Same! My eldest was born in 2007 and went forward facing in the car (3 point harness) as soon as he outgrew the infant carrier, then to a high back booster. He sometimes wore a coat in the car. He also had a drop side cot, with a bumper.
That was ‘normal’ in 2007 and I was 22 with no easy/constant access to internet or awareness of why these things weren’t safe - because everyone did them.
Over the years I’ve realised what is actually safe, thanks to wider updated research, my own learning, and others sharing things like safe sleep and ERF seats. When my youngest was born I was 33, more confident in my parenting, and had more knowledge.
I feel sick thinking of my skinny like a bean pole first child in a high back booster, at the age my now 5 year old is still rear facing (in a seat that I struggled to afford, but I made it happen because I want my children to be safe above all else). Because I now better understand what safe looks like.
She has NO excuse. She has ample resources - the money, the time, the ability to research and/or consult experts. Yet her children come bottom of the pile, as usual.