Evenin’ all. (Waves “hey-o” to lovely Tattlers, especially my dear
So… I’ve just (as in the past twenty minutes) finished writing the second book in a series that I started back in March. Yes: two books written
in longhand in under six months. I also haven’t had a summer break - I’ve been preparing students for Oxbridge entrance exams, personal statements and interviews, working on my Master’s Degree in C19th French history, dealing with fibroids (5 periods last month alone) and very stressful family issues.
What has Ms James done, apart from driving randomly around southern England and northern Europe, getting her hair done and rejecting her first born child?
The problem with narcissists is not only that they’re tragically predictable, they’re wilfully immature (viz her carrot post - she’s going to treat the long-suffering public to more disgusting displays of half-masticated food and vegetable p0rnography because someone told her it was revolting, so ‘nyah, nyah, yahboosucks’) and DULL. They’re so tedious. Yet to themselves, they’re absolutely fascinating, the acme of perfection (yes, even in that Quality Street dress with the Frank Bruno eye makeup), who can do no wrong - and Lord, if you challenge them, they’ll behave as atrociously and threateningly as possible*. In their eyes, they are demigod/desses and we are but mere, humble peasants.
Ms James thinks she’s the perfect mother, despite:
Cot bumpers
High chairs for a 2.5 year old
Freezing rooms
Children with no core strength or musculature whatsoever
Deathtrap cot canopies
Deathtrap headbands
Child seats facing the wrong way until recently
Appalling diet, especially for firstborn
Sending an unweaned exclusively breastfed 6 month old baby to a childminder with insufficient milk or bottle practice
Using an iPad instead of talking to her son
Ignoring her son’s painful walking and speech delays
Prioritising Prechus Baybee Gurl above everything
Dumping firstborn at the CM’s 1.5h too early
Allowing firstborn to straddle Baybee Gurl (BG), crush her and forcibly kiss her
Spending ten minutes a day with firstborn while shoving a phone in his face
Showing images of BG that are totally unsafe for Instagram and more suitable for the Dark Web
Leaving firstborn in his own vomit and faeces all night
Recording firstborn when he is clearly unhappy/crying
Dressing BG for winter on a 30 degree day
Refusing to buy firstborn clothes that fit (ditto shoes) because he’ll only grow out of them)
Recording on SM how much she dislikes firstborn and singing BG’s praises so he’ll have a hell of a psychiatrist’s bill when he grows up
Restraining both children in high chairs, prams and so on so that they’re immobile and therefore unchallenging
What have I missed out?
I’m still slowly working on that article - don’t think I’ve forgotten about it; her recent behaviour is all grist to the mill. I just wish she’d learn a few lessons: 1. Save your bloody tits for OnlyFans - we don’t want to see them. 2. Ditto, re carrots. 3. Get your son’s hips and gait checked out. 4. Put the
bleeping phone down, you wet. 5. Learn to cook rather than eating highly processed foods that raise your risk of a heart attack by 25%. 6. Stop offering health and child-related ‘advice’ based on your ‘feelings’ and ‘intuition’. Biology, the real world and everyone with a sliver of logical thought don’t give a
duck about your feelings.
Lovely day x
*If you doxx me, Ms James, I will sue you into oblivion. You’ll be lucky to be able to afford a lock-up garage in Darlington if you try that with me. Don’t say you weren’t warned.