I like how she filmed the rant close up but of course she had to end it with a long shot to make sure she got Alf feeding on her engorged tit, so unnecessary. #notattentionseekingAnother breastfeeding/sexualisation rant
Does she ever stop? It’s exhausting
Well the comparison I would make is her using alpro which she does a lot. That’s the closest comparison to hydrating and nourishing her baby.I was just worried that I had missed this common opinion and accidentally offended everyone..!! Like I don't know are avocados good or bad? Should I dress my daughter in pink or not? Is JK Rowling right or wrong?
I can see why you might not enjoy the comparison but to me it is the most natural one, there is no other natural process that I do more than go to the loo, shortly followed by feeding my baby. I am probably just desensitised due to the amount of time I spend cleaning little people's bums
Maybe I should ask Ashley to ditch her goal of "normalising" the completely normal act of breastfeeding and start desigmatising toilets
I'm sure Tommy'sShe contemplated taking a baby on a night out?
That stretches the “no routine” bit beyond all comprehension.
Her deciding factor appears to be that she wouldn’t have been able to talk to anyone…not that it’s completely bonkers to contemplate taking a 9 month old on a night out….
Routine aside, what bars would allow a 9 month old baby in a bar on a Saturday night?! I find it weird she’s speaking as it was a option she could go but decided against itShe contemplated taking a baby on a night out?
That stretches the “no routine” bit beyond all comprehension.
Her deciding factor appears to be that she wouldn’t have been able to talk to anyone…not that it’s completely bonkers to contemplate taking a 9 month old on a night out….
That will be her next crusade, no one allows babies in bars and she feels victimisedRoutine aside, what bars would allow a 9 month old baby in a bar on a Saturday night?! I find it weird she’s speaking as it was a option she could go but decided against it
She is obsessed. She goes on and on about how She struggled when she was younger about people commenting on her big breasts . It is All she talks about. I wonder what she would say if a male influencer posted he had a book of boobs she would probably say he was dangerousWtf was that breast book all about I think she’s got really big issues around breasts yet says everyone else has
She will probably start hiring herself out to breast feed other women babies.......I mean what else is she going to post and talk aboutWhat’s she going to do when Alf no longer needs to BF? Have another baby? I just can’t imagine her with more children.
Mega lolzShe is obsessed. She goes on and on about how She struggled when she was younger about people commenting on her big breasts . It is All she talks about. I wonder what she would say if a male influencer posted he had a book of boobs she would probably say he was dangerous
She will probably start hiring herself out to breast feed other women babies.......I mean what else is she going to post and talk about