I think there is a cult like phenomena with people following these insta celebs, it may be Moustashley, Schofield or Trump…. People just see what they want to see, ignore the truths and cast aside as fake news, haters, bore off then etc they simply can’t take that someone they seem to admire so much is capable of such things.
Moustashley (and Saf), for me, can be more than just one thing - I can feel sympathy on what they and Azaylia went through and in losing their child, whilst also thinking they are narcissists consciously making bad unethical choices in what they have done and continue to do.
He’s just got more of a game plan and audience than she does…
And for perspective and any new readers - he raised about 200k in this latest challenge.
As they’re not being completely clear about the figures, that’s roughly what they’re saying they raised in the FIRST FULL YEAR of the Azaylia fund charity….
GFM raised £1.65m
They state a ‘small’ amount was used for funeral/Azaylia's day
So let’s just say 50k
The accounts state FIRST YEAR FUNDRAISING PLUS LEGACY (GFM) was £1.8m
So they’re saying roughly 200k raised in that first year…. When they had maximum publicity, were both all over the place on tv, had loads of fundraising events and challenges….
Nobody is saying it’s illegal as sadly this is how GFM is set up and unregulated.
But it was unethical if they’ve taken a penny for themselves…. And have been purposely fudgy with that truth.
Remember, they both had CCJ’s (matter of public record) which were cleared suddenly, and had to be to allow them to be founders of charity (can’t be founder with CCJ’s)