If the ex has any gumption about him he should be keeping a dossier of all her nonsense, two sides to every story but the only one being publicly shared is her version and I ain't buying that he's this horrible bastard when there's wedding pictures on show, lamenting the fact that it didn't work out.
The only child protection issue I am seeing is at her end. Solicitor would say keep son, his feelings and what goes on in his life with his DAD or re his Dad off social media. He got rid of McDrab he needs an injunction out against the obsessed women.
If you are not bitter or jealous you would act indifferently to all this. Say it again Ash you can bleat on till the cows come home you are not obsessed you are not jealous and you are a good Mum or the better parent. Tho we can all see and hear what you do and say and we all beg to differ.
Its like she thinks as she meets her sons basic needs and takes him trips and holidays this is all thats solely required to be the good or better parent. The sheer blatent disregard she has for Mason not to mention the disrepect is mindblowing. Never once have I seen her stop and think that what she is doing and saying affects him albeit sometimes indirectly. Tho she cant see past her feelings and whats happened to her and how this and that re Mason being away upsets her. Is the most self serving of mothers when it comes to the emotional and mental wellbeing of Mason its so uncomfortable to actually watch her in action.
I sent a former work colleague over to her page just for her professional opinion too she has worked in family courts for 20 plus years. An hour later she had sent me 43 examples of her exploiting her son, his privacy and his feelings to 000s of people on a public forum.
Not to mention the unhealthy infatuation with her ex and his new partner. I never said a word …. its morbidly fascinating to watch and listen to her were her words.
She cant take criticism in any form its deflect deflect deflect this is a prime case of why you need solicitors and the law to intervene as she will not take herself and her feelings out of the equation her resentments constantly spill out. I dont even know what her page is about … well the fat pills and her trying to sell herself as a solo parent that others should aspire too. In terms of holistic parenting she is not someone that should be modelled or someone you should take advice from.
Can you imagine what friends and family have to listen to behind closed doors if this is what she says and shows to strangers on the net. My friends parting shot was she needs therapy she needs to be able to manage her emotions or find a healthier outlet for them. Her actions or lack of actions will play out later in Masons adolescent years and its all on the internet for him to see and hear too.