Ashleigh McNab

Its all made up this is a fruit loop admits making up fake account. Then comes up with this story that someone aka fake account messaged her saying her fake acc is linked to her sons phone number. Load of rubbish this is so she can blame or try to blame her ex or his partner or one of the few people that have his number. Tapped in the head.

My cousin was in the pub she works in and can confirm the nose and face are witchy mcwitchin its not bonnie at all and thats with make up. Rather than get some parental agreement drawn up re contact and drop offs she broadcasts it all over a public forum.

She wont involve lawyers or family courts as they would tell her straight re Xmas and such like. The Dad has equal parental responsibility and does not reply as she is a Narc and No Contact is the way forward you dont engage with Narcs like her. Poor Mason his life discussed again and the events of it he gets no privacy will need therapy by the time he is age 12.
Cmon if she had Masons welfare at the forefront of her mind she would consult a family lawyer not blab it all over the internet for opinions from random strangers. Make it make sense Ash!
Cmon if she had Masons welfare at the forefront of her mind she would consult a family lawyer not blab it all over the internet for opinions from random strangers. Make it make sense Ash!
100 percent agree with this and it’s what we’ve all being said for months. She’s just a bitter ex and the narcissism is ripping out of her.
100 percent agree with this and it’s what we’ve all being said for months. She’s just a bitter ex and the narcissism is ripping out of her.

She always reminds me of this from roald dahl


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Respect certain boundaries LOL! Ashley you dont respect your own son and his privacy tho expect others too. Stop watching your ex and their partners social media you weirdo stalker.

She would prefer this step mum is cruel and does not include him she should be happy he is included. What a bitter angry creepy women that poor kid she has some strange co dependant thing going on with the son thats not parental in any way.

Why you watching them play blended familes as you say and Ashley just cant remove her toxic ego from all this. STOP watching stalker Ashley.

She is the worst over sharer re her son the worst … inc his personal feelings and what happens to him. Tho moaning as lots of pictures of Mason - the little man is so scared to even say he is having a good time as knows his Mum is a jealous nutjob she is sick absolutely sick. You get no respect Ashley as you are toxic nasty and an abusive parent an emotional abuser. You need therapy talk to someone not strangers on social media. Mason is your child not your partner.
Respect certain boundaries LOL! Ashley you dont respect your own son and his privacy tho expect others too. Stop watching your ex and their partners social media you weirdo stalker.

She would prefer this step mum is cruel and does not include him she should be happy he is included. What a bitter angry creepy women that poor kid she has some strange co dependant thing going on with the son thats not parental in any way.

Why you watching them play blended familes as you say and Ashley just cant remove her toxic ego from all this. STOP watching stalker Ashley.

She is the worst over sharer re her son the worst … inc his personal feelings and what happens to him. Tho moaning as lots of pictures of Mason - the little man is so scared to even say he is having a good time as knows his Mum is a jealous nutjob she is sick absolutely sick. You get no respect Ashley as you are toxic nasty and an abusive parent an emotional abuser. You need therapy talk to someone not strangers on social media. Mason is your child not your partner.
She's absolutely desperate to make it as a full time content creator, however her chat consists of jumping on really quickly about slimming tablets and getting the dig in about her ex. bleeping woeful.
She's absolutely desperate to make it as a full time content creator, however her chat consists of jumping on really quickly about slimming tablets and getting the dig in about her ex. bleeping woeful.
Same tit every day. Selling shite to vulnerable women, wanting them to join her team, the only crackpots that comment on these posts on her Facebook are other women in the MLM scheme. Her ex and new partner have the patience of saints dealing with her, it must be so draining to put up with that every single day. Nothing is ever good enough, and I totally agree with the above; she doesn’t want Mason having a positive relationship with his stepmum. The sooner she gets a BF and leaves the ex alone the better, as she will want time with him, but the likelihood of her finding anyone is slim as she’s so obsessed. Her video the other day, moaning about not having time 🤣🤣 she’s works two days a week, claiming single parent benefit to support herself. She’s has five days a week with her son, a lot of working mothers aren’t as lucky as that and have to work FT in real jobs, not trying to sell shite on the internet and pretending it’s a job. She’s actually dangerous.
The sister is a food influencer not sure if full sister tho the sister got the looks and the personality put it that way. Ashleys personality is selling slimming potions and making dangerous unhealthy claims about them. Also constant digs about her ex his new partner and divulging her sons personal feelings and his life happenings. She is backwards or something she must be as she see’s nothing wrong in what she says and does.

Whinging on about photos of Mason online yet she discusses the little guys personal life and his feelings all other social media. He will never ever be able to be his authentic vunerable self with his Mum as she goes off her nut. Again why does she watch her ex’s new partners page and the ex too and she commented he does not post much. She goes on about people should not watch her or block her tho she should do the same with her ex and his new family. Block them tho again bet she gets people to spy and report to her.

THEN the hypocrisy of her saying social media is not potraying how her son really feels and is treated. Well we could say the same about you constantly posting things she buys Mason and the things they do constant seeking approval and being a smoaster. So what she posts is not a true reflection then? Shame she cant put her ego and toxicity aside to be a Mum who is emotionally healthy and allows her son to be that too.

The Dad needs a parental agreement that covers it all inc Xmas and holidays. Also includes not having to communicate with her at all and she stops plastering her sons personal life and feelings over social media. Get a therapist Ash instead of bitching online to strangers. The delu lu women makes out what she says is under the guise of being helpful tho who is she helping? Has she no friends she can use as an outlet for her anger and unhealthy attachments. The Dad and his family cant do right for wrong they must be mentally drained its a shame as her tantrums and rants make it all the more difficult all round.

She keeps saying she is not bothered by the ex blah blah tho her actions say otherwise. She just cant handle her ex has moved on and her son is around another female thats not her. She gives Creeepy Mom Vibes its not normal.
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A great Mum? What Mum who claims her 7 year old is in tears broadcasts it on the internet rather than seek out a family lawyer to address and try and resolve things? Ashley wants to have the lines of communication open with her ex as YES is obsessed. Its just ramblings and ranting about how she is this great Mum. She wants her 7 years olds feelings to be validated and heard and quite rightly. Has she asked him how he feels about being discussed on the internet and how he feels about people knowing he is in tears and other personal stuff he has confided in to his Mum. Its me me me me me its her feelings her opinions so she should get to say what she wants its the complete disregard she has for her son as her and her feelings take precedance over her sons. This is the issue she cant see past how she feels or how it affects her so much so she does not safeguard her son in any way. Trips and toys wont disguise how you are emotionally neglecting your son she makes out its about Mason tho its about her obsession to keep or create a line of communication with the Dad.

No one wants to co parent, deal or listen to Ashleys toxicity. Still not got a lawyer or a parental agreement or courts involved as she knows fine well they deal with facts not her chaotic selfish emotions.
McDrab on with the pity party. So lonely at Christmas…but so so happy…..but wishes she was part of a family…..not just the two of them….

What a kick in the teeth for her parents who I assume she will be spending Christmas with and help her look after Mason. She is so desperate for any sort of attention on TikTok she will literally come out with any shite. Imagine being lucky enough to have your son at Christmas but still moaning your lonely and it’s not what you wanted? You would be happier having his dad to share these moments with? Or any man? Honestly get a grip. Pathetic.
McDrab on with the pity party. So lonely at Christmas…but so so happy…..but wishes she was part of a family…..not just the two of them….

What a kick in the teeth for her parents who I assume she will be spending Christmas with and help her look after Mason. She is so desperate for any sort of attention on TikTok she will literally come out with any shite. Imagine being lucky enough to have your son at Christmas but still moaning your lonely and it’s not what you wanted? You would be happier having his dad to share these moments with? Or any man? Honestly get a grip. Pathetic.
Her latest on co-parenting and moaning about how the ex isn't showing more interest in seeing the kid, clearly using TT as yet another dig as it would appear she's not allowed to contact him at all if there are solicitors letters involved, it's bleeping shocking, yet again adults not allowing their kids any privacy just so they can indulge their own selfish needs. Absolute bitter crackpot.
Mcdrab is not happy with tattle . Says it’s people on TT but we all know she reads here.. now slating her ex for not being able to read or write properly

She says her son knows all about his dad and how he is no good , if this is what she says online I worry what she says in private to the boy !

Surely you want to encourage the relationship and bond and not tare it down

Never usually comment on her cause what’s point but today after reading the comments on this video she really is coming across as a dick


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She’s so so bitter and obsessed with him. I’m glad he has solicitors involved, she’s too dangerous to deal with in person. She would literally do or say anything to cause him and his partner trouble. I don’t think it will be long until she stops Mason going to him at all, but she’ll say it’s Masons decision. Of course she won’t do that in the highly unlikely event she finds a man, she’ll be wanting rid of Mason then.
Yeeeees he has got a solicitor he needs to make sure its a third party she contacts not him as she is a lune tune. Poor Mason dragging down his Dad calling him iliterate. The man is reduced to this as she is a mare to deal with. Will never co parent only counter parent. Narcs need no contact and she is one uses child as weapon. The law will remove her crazy emotions and deal with facts and whats best for Mason. This will be fun hope he publishes her mad demands and responses this is personal with her over him. He has 50 percent parental responsibility she wont give it as she is twisted. He cant be there for his sons achievements as she is there and she is toxic.

Well done Masons Dad stay away from her dont engage dont argue cut her dead. She is going nuts over the Dad wanting legal input the reason he does not check in as its her he has to check in with. Hopefully Dad gets more access I mean who on earth does she think she is that she can infringe on the Dads time to check in she is tapped in the brain. You are not together you dont parent together he goes to his Dads do your own thing you weirdo control freak. She does not have more rights than Masons Dad she had equal rights. No wonder Dads walk away from kids she is a form of warped controlling mental torture. He can get put in parental agreement that Mum will be contacted in the event of an emergency and if Mason is unwell and she can do one. This poor kids personal life all over the internet again why oh why does she need to broadcast all that a bitter bitter woman.

He needs to screen record her mad incoherant ramblings on the videos for the solicitor too a court would see right thru her and her covert abuse. I mean wow is manic and openly mocking her sons parent while simultaneously expecting him to be at events where she is there. Someday soon Mason will see the videos and be mortified his personal life was played out to 000s as his mental maw takes her make up off,
The Dad needs to start the process of Parallel parenting this is a child arrangement where each parent has equal rights and responsibilities for their children, but they do things their own way and have minimal amounts of contact with each other. It is often suggested as an alternative to co-parenting. For example, they might attend an equal number of doctor’s appointments, school meetings and sports competitions, but they do so separately. Having worked in the family courts for many years you see these Mothers and Fathers and McNab will never co parent she simply cannot and her words and actions reaffirm all this. The Dad can state to the lawyer that Pararell parenting works for him as she is affecting his mental health.
The Dad needs to start the process of Parallel parenting this is a child arrangement where each parent has equal rights and responsibilities for their children, but they do things their own way and have minimal amounts of contact with each other. It is often suggested as an alternative to co-parenting. For example, they might attend an equal number of doctor’s appointments, school meetings and sports competitions, but they do so separately. Having worked in the family courts for many years you see these Mothers and Fathers and McNab will never co parent she simply cannot and her words and actions reaffirm all this. The Dad can state to the lawyer that Pararell parenting works for him as she is affecting his mental health.
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Yup the unhinged posts make it clear she wants and needs the doors of communication open tho she is irrational. Key is to continue to ignore her dont engage at all. Extreme tho would block her and use one of his parents to communicate re drop off etc. The nonsense her saying I want to hear his voice when he is away - eh yeh its natural to miss your child when they are away tho its up to you the adult to manage those feelings not demand you get to speak to your child. Her creepy emotional abuse tactics freak me out.
Right the StepMum ❤️👏 stepping up. The issue is with McNab this Sarah is better looking and is doing all these great things with Mason and to include him. It takes a special person to do that as lots of step parents would not include. This is what McNab is mad at as they look like a happy family and Mason looks happy. She cant moan about a few photos of him on social media when she plasters his whole personal life and his feelings on social media. Now if he was being subject to cruelty or left out then yes would get why McNab mad.

She plays off the narrative Mason does not want to be there my bets is he maybe at times intimates that. Tho no way can he feel at ease or comfortable saying he enjoys being there as Mason will be well aware of how his Mum feels.

My boy used to say wanted to stay with me or would want to go where Xbox and sweets were or what suited him that day. This she will do whats best for Mason bull what she thinks is best for Mason is maybe not whats bests its what she wants and what suits her its to self soothe her insecure bitterness.

Some Mums have to send their kids into unfair dynamics with their Dads and new partners tho Ashley does not and has no clue how that feels or the worry. She is one of the most ungrateful poisoness mothers have seen on TT in a while. Dangerous! She needs therapy to be able to be an emotionally healthy Mother tho as we all see lacks self awareness and its her way or no way. Keep screen recording her videos what she says and how she exposes her son and his vunerabilites.
That’s it exactly. You’ve hit the nail on the head. I’ve said it before, after one of her rants about her wanting Mason and his Dad to have 121 time…I said she would soon be moaning and saying does the GF not want to spend time with Mason? Mason feels left out bla bla bla. The dad and his GF can’t do anything right, but in reality they are doing everything right. I hope they ignore her and enjoy their Christmas. Don’t give her any attention, but she’ll create a drama guaranteed.
That’s it exactly. You’ve hit the nail on the head. I’ve said it before, after one of her rants about her wanting Mason and his Dad to have 121 time…I said she would soon be moaning and saying does the GF not want to spend time with Mason? Mason feels left out bla bla bla. The dad and his GF can’t do anything right, but in reality they are doing everything right. I hope they ignore her and enjoy their Christmas. Don’t give her any attention, but she’ll create a drama guaranteed.
The fact that she has a video of wedding photos etc pinned to her profile says it all, if he's that much of a prick as she paints him then why would you have that as pinned content? Certainly widnae be me.