Yeeeees he has got a solicitor he needs to make sure its a third party she contacts not him as she is a lune tune. Poor Mason dragging down his Dad calling him iliterate. The man is reduced to this as she is a mare to deal with. Will never co parent only counter parent. Narcs need no contact and she is one uses child as weapon. The law will remove her crazy emotions and deal with facts and whats best for Mason. This will be fun hope he publishes her mad demands and responses this is personal with her over him. He has 50 percent parental responsibility she wont give it as she is twisted. He cant be there for his sons achievements as she is there and she is toxic.
Well done Masons Dad stay away from her dont engage dont argue cut her dead. She is going nuts over the Dad wanting legal input the reason he does not check in as its her he has to check in with. Hopefully Dad gets more access I mean who on earth does she think she is that she can infringe on the Dads time to check in she is tapped in the brain. You are not together you dont parent together he goes to his Dads do your own thing you weirdo control freak. She does not have more rights than Masons Dad she had equal rights. No wonder Dads walk away from kids she is a form of warped controlling mental torture. He can get put in parental agreement that Mum will be contacted in the event of an emergency and if Mason is unwell and she can do one. This poor kids personal life all over the internet again why oh why does she need to broadcast all that a bitter bitter woman.
He needs to screen record her mad incoherant ramblings on the videos for the solicitor too a court would see right thru her and her covert abuse. I mean wow is manic and openly mocking her sons parent while simultaneously expecting him to be at events where she is there. Someday soon Mason will see the videos and be mortified his personal life was played out to 000s as his mental maw takes her make up off,
The Dad needs to start the process of Parallel parenting this is a child arrangement where each parent has equal rights and responsibilities for their children, but they do things their own way and have minimal amounts of contact with each other. It is often suggested as an alternative to co-parenting. For example, they might attend an equal number of doctor’s appointments, school meetings and sports competitions, but they do so separately. Having worked in the family courts for many years you see these Mothers and Fathers and McNab will never co parent she simply cannot and her words and actions reaffirm all this. The Dad can state to the lawyer that Pararell parenting works for him as she is affecting his mental health.
The Dad needs to start the process of Parallel parenting this is a child arrangement where each parent has equal rights and responsibilities for their children, but they do things their own way and have minimal amounts of contact with each other. It is often suggested as an alternative to co-parenting. For example, they might attend an equal number of doctor’s appointments, school meetings and sports competitions, but they do so separately. Having worked in the family courts for many years you see these Mothers and Fathers and McNab will never co parent she simply cannot and her words and actions reaffirm all this. The Dad can state to the lawyer that Pararell parenting works for him as she is affecting his mental health.