@Lolakot : I am maybe wrong in your case but
your questions are relevant for all the girls, like me, who have not benefited during their childhood from an educational structure within their family. I mean the education was only at school and the parents were content when they were giving to the child a bit of discipline, a little bit of politeness, a little bit of common sense. It was not like in the old money families where children are taken to museums, concerts etc. since they are very young or they have, very early, indications about the books to read in order to develop their general culture. So we are always insecure, without knowing where to start, what to say, see, etc. For the self-cultivation it's very easy. Start as if you were a new born. Forget everything from your past school.
The first step in order to understand the European whole world of knowledge is to know the Greek mythology. You’ll be confronted with it everywhere (history, psychology, littérature, arts, allusions in conversation). In life one can survive without knowing who Meghan Markle is but one cannont survive if one doesn’t know who Heracles is.
The second step is History. To understand the present and even the geography of the actual world one must know the History. It avoids falling into stereotypes and superficial information coming from TV channels or Internet. Mastering History helps to decode everything in life.
The third step is littérature. Open yours ears, this is a tip from Bastine. To start, take one single title per century/per country. The dificulty is to identify which book you must read as a representative book for a whole century and a whole culture. You will have to make a choice. Take for exemple the French littérature of the 19th C. Balzac ? Zola ? Flaubert ? Etc ? And what title ? Balzac wrote so many. It’s up to you. The necessity of the renouncement will have as a happy effect the need to read more. Start in the reverse of the chronology, first 19th or 20thC, then 18thC, 17thC, etc.
The fourth step is Arts. Work by chronological category (gothic, Renaissance, etc.), by country, by artistic techniques (painting, sculpture, etc.). The same. One period/style-one country-one technique-one exemple, you’ll discover your taste and you’ll be in need for more.
The fifth step is Philosophie and History of Science. The same.
The MUSIC step is for everyday and for a lifetime. Music accompanies in parrallel the previous steps.
After that or in parallel it’s good to discover other cultures. In my case I am passionate now about Chinese, Japanese and Korean cultures. And finally, learn another language. The one that I would recommend in order to navigate among wealthy old money Europeans is first Italian (everybody is fluent in Italian and it’s easy to learn) and French (the language of « distinction » for them).
I don’t know in which part of the Switzerland you are. Here are some informations for an old soul. For the French and German speaking part the necessary steps are the Fine Arts Museums and the important concert/opera halls. The hotspot although, for affluent people, are the collections and expositions of some Foundations like Gianadda (Martigny), Hermitage (Lausanne), Rosengart (Lucerne) and of not so well known museums like Jenish (Vevey) or the Rietberg (Zurich). I should have asked you where are you exactly, it’s hard to be precise, it’s too long. It could help to read this weird guy that I know personally.
For classical music you would have to attend very specific events which could be expensive and on invitation like the Gstaad Menuhin Festival. In Geneva for exemple affluent people don’t mingle. You can be with them at the same representation of an Opera/concert, etc, but at the intermission they have their own space in the Grand Théâtre, with champagne and buffet, the other public cannot see them.
For educational youtubers, I really don’t know, they are so many. Sometime I follow somebody for a thing and it becomes important for another thing like in this moment I like to watch RIVER talking about Megan Markle, he is very funny, but in the same time he has a perfect English so it’s very instructive. I would recommend rather the motivational coachs like Mel Robbins and many others. Tom Bilyeu had interviewed all of them, so you can start with him.