Read once again with attention my first post to you. Go visit also the Ibarry platform. Scroll the page, you'll have indications about various forms of the fraud online, informations related to Anna's case are more at the bottom. You don't need to say something else than what you've just said here, the abuse of terms, the abuse of any kind, the fraud about the product that she is selling because she is a fraud, etc. We are not in USA, here her "legal" nonsense has no value, the Law is not elastic nor interpretable like in the USA. She has watched too many movies.
Slowley you will find the words and you will know what to say, you are not the only one if this can be a reassurance for you. It is not a complaint to the police, it's somethnig very specific to Switzerland. Trust them, they will guide you. In any case, you'll have an official acknowledgment from them, there is always a response with the Swiss administration, by mail or by post. Your identity will always remain secret but you can also write that letter
in anonymity. Don't forget to precise her real name. Even if the
marriage were true she cannot have the name of her
husband on her licence to stay and in the administrative papers, it's always the maiden name.
Now here is what Bastine advise you to do, chronologically :
1. Take a break from Tattle for at least one week, go for walks in Nature, read, listen to music, watch the TV, eat whatever you want to eat (cook! this is good). Try to keep yourself for yourself, it's important to recover you own energetical field, right now your mental is polluted. Try to avoid even your friends during this week. Don't interact anymore with girls from A-list, leave them to their own destiny and decisions. If you feel that something is wrong with you during this time, come back to Tattle, we will support you.
2. After that period, take information in your country or on internet about the
abuse of weakness, it might have another name in your country Law. You'll be more prepared to understand it, because you'll be more serein and lucid. Right now you're too fragile to do that.
3.Write the letter.