Does it help if we start to categorise her potential customers and develop tailored strategies accordingly?
Feel free to add more, and at the moment I can think of:
1. Her hardcore fans - they look up to Anna Bey for justification and reinforcement. They share the same/similar beliefs and values with Anna Bey. They are likely to defend Anna Bey for their own benefits and are unlikely to assess the facts objectively. Success rate to convert them is as low as 0-25%, though not impossible.
2. Genuine learners - they tend to come from developing places and troubled families (please don’t shoot me - really just generalising!). They are likely to be young, eager to level up to change their existing lives. They look for a teacher/mentor/tutor/big sister to guide them to show them there are more values, options, perspectives in the world than the narrow perspective that Anna Bey tries to sell. Success rate to enlighten them is probably 25-75%, depending on each individual’s intelligence, awareness level etc.
3. Neutral observers - they are probably amused by Anna Bey’s courses, whether or not they align with her values. They are probably already in a good/decent position in life but still want to improve/level up and Anna Bey suggests some ‘new solutions’. Success rate to convince them that Anna Bey’s courses are not worth their time and money is probably 50-100%, depending on each individual’s intelligence, awareness level etc.
I think we focus our efforts on the learners and observers. Show them the truth, facts, and alternative views/values to allow/assist them to make their own judgement on whether they want to be scammed by Anna Bey.
You’re extremely brave!! ❤ I think (and feel free to correct me) as much as we want to save people from being scammed by Anna Bey, we are not the police or law enforcement. We can’t save every human being from being scammed (though imagine what the world will be like without scammers!). Unless and until they develop ability/skills to save themselves, they are likely to be taken advantage of by anyone and not just Anna Bey. Though may I add that Anna Bey’s scam is not advanced at all!
Feel free to add more, and at the moment I can think of:
1. Her hardcore fans - they look up to Anna Bey for justification and reinforcement. They share the same/similar beliefs and values with Anna Bey. They are likely to defend Anna Bey for their own benefits and are unlikely to assess the facts objectively. Success rate to convert them is as low as 0-25%, though not impossible.
2. Genuine learners - they tend to come from developing places and troubled families (please don’t shoot me - really just generalising!). They are likely to be young, eager to level up to change their existing lives. They look for a teacher/mentor/tutor/big sister to guide them to show them there are more values, options, perspectives in the world than the narrow perspective that Anna Bey tries to sell. Success rate to enlighten them is probably 25-75%, depending on each individual’s intelligence, awareness level etc.
3. Neutral observers - they are probably amused by Anna Bey’s courses, whether or not they align with her values. They are probably already in a good/decent position in life but still want to improve/level up and Anna Bey suggests some ‘new solutions’. Success rate to convince them that Anna Bey’s courses are not worth their time and money is probably 50-100%, depending on each individual’s intelligence, awareness level etc.
I think we focus our efforts on the learners and observers. Show them the truth, facts, and alternative views/values to allow/assist them to make their own judgement on whether they want to be scammed by Anna Bey.
no I don't think they are robots seems like normal accounts also they are simply really stupid and really think I wanted to take her down thats why I wrote my comment here again that I feel like simply many many dont see the truth =(
You’re extremely brave!! ❤ I think (and feel free to correct me) as much as we want to save people from being scammed by Anna Bey, we are not the police or law enforcement. We can’t save every human being from being scammed (though imagine what the world will be like without scammers!). Unless and until they develop ability/skills to save themselves, they are likely to be taken advantage of by anyone and not just Anna Bey. Though may I add that Anna Bey’s scam is not advanced at all!
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