Repeat of my post for the newbies:
Content calendar time. Just a rundown of the greatest lies I mean hits of Anna/Aija/Bey/Beyer/Raty/Hallitosis. In this video she lies about her background and more.
At 3:53
"Yes I have Russian in my heritage" But she said couple days ago
half her family is Estonian? In this video she says only her mother is from Estonia, with Russian background...
I look like my mother, she's technically Russian. Um, what?
My father is from Finland. Really? Actually she doesn't know the identity of her father and never speaks about him. Or her stepfather.
My blog Jetsetbabe doesn't exist anymore - why? Why have you not just stopped posting, but instead
deleted it entirely from the internet, including the Wayback Machine? Probably has a little bit to do with Tattle? See the dossier and previous Tattle threads for screenshots of Jetsetbabe where she shared the reality of her life in London, lonely, broke, and with an office job she hated, and her other trips to drug hotspots in Central and South America, and a stint in Asia.
I'm not a dating coach, I don't teach women how to bag billionaires. Well, you can't actually, because you have no experience. Yet you allowed multiple media outlets, especially Daily Mail, to write these headlines and introduce you as such, including your
first TV interview here. You LOVE the publicity and notoriety this gets you.
More lies, obfuscations, and things that don't make sense. Notice the wallpaper? She filmed it in the same hotel, but moved to a different chair, lol. Around this time she filmed multiple videos in the same hotel room and brought furniture and even framed photos to make it appear it was her home.
At 2:30 -
I train with a personal trainer. *pause* hahahaha. Honey no. We won't even comment on this ghost trainer you've never shown. You're too cheap and lazy, your exercise consists of walks in Geneva's public parks.
3:38 -
We have a lot of friends in Geneva that we spend time with. *chokes with laughter* We have hundreds of pages of evidence that you only hang out with 1 person in Geneva, Lina, and this only happened recently. You only are allowed to tag along on events when your roommate goes.
7:25 -
the "partner" is mentioned. Notice, she does not call him fiancée or husband.
"I run a channel that's controversial, so I will not answer any questions to do with my personal life." 8:16 calls him her BOYFRIEND.
*record scratch* cut to February 1st where she's pimping her relationship out to sell her scam.
12:00 - Mentions her favorite movies and shows are Sex and The City and Priceless (about a gold digger who sleeps with rich men in the South of France). Notice she was able to name specific movies and TV but dodged the question of books - as we thought, she is an airhead and doesn't actually read.
13:30 - Grew up next a stable and would spend hours and hours there sometimes her mum had to come look for her *No COMMENT* But I do want to note the horses and stable were not her own. I already made so many jokes about her childhood already. At minute 14:00 she confirms she left Sweden at high school. So no degree or higher learning.
19:41 - In response to: are you a housewife who cooks and cleans?
We have somebody who takes care of our household and cooks. No evidence of this, for sure. Why would you need someone to take care of a 1 bedroom flat?
I have a full time job so I refuse to have another job at home. So basically she's a slob, and for his money Average Joseph does not even get a woman who can make him a decent meal.
Here's another video, oh by the way, dear elegant ladies, university is a
waste of time. Minute 3:35.
9:30 She was working in nightclubs in Rome as a 19 year old and got fascinated by the jetset life.
13:50 This supposed Italian rich kid stopped seeing her after a few months. (Wow! I thought this was a real relationship, sounds more like a fling)
I want to really highlight her lie about how her teachings are not about finding rich men. Lies. Check out her videos and titles:
Where you'll find Rich Men this summer
3 Simple Ways to get noticed by Rich Men
Why Rich Handsome Men Marry Unattractive Women (probably one of her WORST videos hating on other women)!
Here she is, angry and bitter, responding to the Bag a Billionaire TV interview, saying yes! So What if I want to Bag a Billionaire.
Even though she said she didn't want to teach to bag a billionaire? *Scooby Doo sound effect*
filmed on her bed in her tiny flat in London
School of Affluence playlist that SHE created called
How To Get a Rich Man: (19 videos!)
Have you always wondered where all the affluent men are? Then watch this video! Don't forget to download the FREE Cheatsheet of 210 places where to meet affl...