To me, I began following her because she's my age and she seemed super relatable, going from a "normal girl" who wasn't super into fitness to a Gymshark influencer almost overnight.
People liked her to begin with because her brand was "my physique was attained through moderate effort and anyone can do it." She had these yummy recipes and always shared how she was going on long walks and not doing crazy weightlifting. She acted like she was a big foodie and now we know she was severely undereating.
The illusion she created is shattered and it's only a matter of time before all her followers see it.
Side note, but did you guys see Natacha Oceane's YouTube video about why she left Gymshark? She said it was because some Gymshark influencers were promoting undereating, and people speculated it was due to Anna. The timing of her going offline to take time off kinda coincided with Natacha's video, too.