Anna Archer “Fitness”

i’m 6 minutes in and i can fully understand where she’s coming from and it’s really hitting home, i really hope she’s feeling better now

i’m 6 minutes in and i can fully understand where she’s coming from and it’s really hitting home, i really hope she’s feeling better now

interesting how well gymshark responded to it all, helping her get therapist etc
I think it has to be something to do with her relationship with food. Just makes me sad as I remember in her old vids she’d say she would never change her lifestyle as she genuinely loves what she eats, therefore why would she wanna change her diet. Was she lying to herself out of fear of losing her lean physique?:( in her YouTube video, can’t remember which one, she said “I was crying to my mum telling her I’m going to get my dream body no matter what, and if I’m still unhappy when I’ve got it, then that’s another issue, but I’m gonna get it”, I can’t help but feel her dramatic transformation was to fill something else in her life based on what she said! :( hope she’s ok x
I totally agree with you, but I angry reacted to your post because I'm so MAD that she would actually say something like that. That's SUPER damaging to young girls and boys to say it's "another issue" whether you're happy when you get to a certain body type.

I've recently gotten really into eating healthier and running. I genuinely love eating a variety of healthy foods because I feel like it's helped me to run further and faster, but I don't focus on the food itself--I focus on my runs. Just through changing my habits I've noticed my body has changed, but the point is that I'm not making these changes TO change my body. I'm doing them BECAUSE they make me happy.

Nowadays fitness "influencers" use fitness as a way to change their bodies. Prior to fitness becoming a huge social media niche, people used to get into fitness as a hobby BECAUSE it makes them happy. Not to achieve some abstract idea of happiness when their bodies change eventually.

That mindset leads young people to think that if they start molding their bodies to look different that they'll become happy. That's entirely wrong. Fitness itself should make you happy, and any habits you change should be part of your overall happiness too. Weight loss/body changes should always be secondary to feeling good mentally and physically.
Gymshark getting her a therapist that quickly makes me wonder if they have other athletes that struggle with bulimia as well, or if they've gone through this before with other athletes.
In the uk counselling services are free, so I reckon gymshark paid for her to have a really good private one most likely? And yes I wouldn’t be surprised if some other athletes have gone through this. I wonder if her content will be changing to more well-being, whether she will still be sponsored by them?
if they react this fast i think that’s not the first person dealing with ed and working with them
which quite frankly is something that needs to be looked at deeper because- if they have people who are struggling, and i understand for some that working with gymshark IS their income. but if gymshark are actively promoting these athletes with EDs that they’re aware of, and using them as a part of a “health and well-being, fitness” type brand then well, idk how to conclude it but you know what i’m getting at
Goodness I’ve just watched her video. I hope she is ok. She’s had been through such a lot, part of me feels worried in case she feels she owes people sharing all this. Another part of me admires her honesty and detailing the trauma that’s caused her ED so others can see that the way she was being isn’t aspirational it’s a byproduct of trauma.
it’s just so scary now as i think about it, how many girls are struggling with ed pretending that everything is cool. we’ve heard about Anna’s story but there’re literally million of others like that and we still have that diet culture around. feeling really emotional after watching her video

The irony of the suggested next video wasn’t lost on me 🤦🏼‍♀️
my heart really goes out to her genuinely, but I don't understand how she could keep posting full days of eating in jan etc knowing she was going through this and suffering with bulimia
It makes me wonder how many fitness influencers are also bulimic. Especially since a lot of them seem to have these massive "cheat days" or the 10k calorie challenge videos. *cough cough Stephanie Buttermore*