AndreaPirlo The McGarrys_ #2 Guns, drugs, and a 4ft thug, Andrea Murphy is still a mug


Needs to tell the mother in law to brush her teeth…you’d think she’d gift her some of that Marvis toothpaste she bangs on about 🤣🤣

p.s. you breed scum you deserve to be dragged 😏
25 videos that fruit loop has put up today.

She was raging when i mentioned before how many videos she had up one day 😂 can she no just do a Sadie Queen & duck all her shite she has to sell into one video.
Bet all the videos were “commission paid”. She’s no got wee toaty stevens drug money the now so flogging everything polyester from China.
Wonder if she declares these earnings to the social?

Probably not but you need to declare everything you sell now on tiktok to the taxman so you are paying the correct tax on it all, she will have some bill with the amount of shite she flogs on the daily.
At least she's got the sense not to take the weans to prison on Xmas day. I thought she'd be up there. Her pal probably wouldn't drive her 40 mins each way.
That’s it. She’d be up there in a minute if she could get a lift. I hope nobody would entertain her and ebable her to take children into that jail on Christmas Day. I’m surprised there’s even family visits on Christmas Day.