AndreaPirlo The McGarrys_ #2 Guns, drugs, and a 4ft thug, Andrea Murphy is still a mug

See if my mum was in hospital after having a stroke and I was so worried about her last thing on my mind would be recording tiktoks to share links so I could make my 20% commission….

She’s on saying how worried she is and can’t get up to the hospital cos she has the girls surely as soon as her dad found out he’d be up at hers telling her he’d look after the girls to allow her to be at the hospital or how about the wonderful McGarrys, did ‘Aunty Sinead’ not offer to come to the rescue look after ‘her neices’ can’t care or love them that much 🙃
There too busy wi the drugs and drink

When the freaks in her comments are like WhAtS iT gOt To Do WiTh YoU wHy Do YoU cArE - THIS!!!!!
Roasters now on complaining about kids being asked to remove jackets at kids visits the sense of entitlement is real…its a fuckin prison hen not a soft play… if you were a half decent mother you wouldn’t be subjecting your kids to visits at all so that’s on you and beloved tiny toaty Steven McGarry… if he was a half decent father and he’d considered his children and his family they wouldn’t be subjected to such stresses