Amelia is a real b*tch isn’t she. No wonder she is an avid Chrissy Tiegen fan. The digs about women’s appearances is something else. Jesus she is insecure. And she had the nerve to cry about Tattle. Her and Moya who spent every evening for a month slating all the Love Island contestants. On a much more public forum than Tattle. Does she actually believe being a b*tch in front of her 10 thousand followers is worse than people joining together on a tiny page to talk about her? No one here is turning people against her, we come here because we already dislike her..
Also you can tell that baby has been spending way too much time in it’s reclined bouncer. That tell tale hair loss in those areas, can’t hide your neglect. It should be falling out of the top of the head just as fast as the back. When they say 20 mins tummy time that is the minimum. And they low ball is massively to make it seem achievable. I wonder if Amelia has actually read any baby books. And actually understands that her baby should be strapped into something only when it is essential. If you are sat watching TV with your baby in a bouncer ... why would you not just let them have floor time or hold them. Lazy
And because I am guessing the baby still isn’t able to roll. (she would have told everyone) The ‘every baby is different’ is true. But more often then not parents are delaying what their child could do by not allowing them to actually move. You only know what your child is truly capable of if you are not jamming them into a car seat and then pram every day for hours so you can go off and eat yet another overpriced lunch