She's been with Mandy Mutton for a while now I thinkWhen did she sign up to agency
Even the ones who put over their faces , the are using the kids for gain it's so wrongSaw Holly yesterday… it’s scary how recognisable all these huns’ children are.
Had to come to comment after watching todays stories....I'm starting to feel a bit mortified for her, is it just me or does it seem like Peter is checking out and she's just clinging on even harder...making the trek to Belfast all the time and today she's there for pretty much 24 hrs and he's off at a class presume exercise class, surely he could reschedule something like that to spend the day with her when she's trekked up there, and thennnnn "Peters gone on ahead girls...he didn't even wait for her he jus... left...I would be GUTTED. Its not just a night out with mates it's new people, his new circle and he prefers to land in himself instrad of both of them together and like a little team, and then the eijit follows him afterwards in her spray on shein rag and 2015 plastic heels, boobs hitting the chin....i meannnn. she's like his bit on the side or something. I dunno I get an awful vibe from it it's gonna end in tears and I know she's a dose of shite but it'll be awful for her and that poor little girl it will effect her as well.
Was thinking that exact same thing I think if he is behaving like that it's to make it blatantly obvious to her so that she will do the deed and dump him so hes not technically the bad guy.but she's just ignoring it. I'd 100 have packed my bag got into my car and returned home if I'd had her day up there, it must feel like tit clearly her self esteem is on the floor. Can you imagine the night she had after that him networking with everyone ignoring her, it actually makes my insides cringe her whole situation lately. He's outgrown her.She clinging on to something that's over.She has no self respect and isn't comfortable in her body.Chasing next cosmetic freebie.if I drove all way to Belfast for night and I spend all day on my own I expect him to wait for me.I be gone back down that road home if he didn't.She do anything to please him as she afraid he dump her and leave her.She was bigger fool get back with him after calling wedding off