I’m just absolutely astounded, once again, by Alice’s hubris. I know I shouldn’t be, four years into this saga, but - . There we have it.
She acts as though being a ditzy blonde manic pixie dream girl, who cannot behave with the tiniest soupcon of maturity or integrity, is a loveable, desirable quality. Looking at the situation clinically, it beggars belief that there are those with such little regard for honesty, candour and (again) integrity that they not only let this kind of wilful helplessness pass without censure, but actively support and encourage Alice’s incredible lack of respect for herself and others.
I’m not good with money. My father was always getting into debt - we had to sell our house to pay off the £70,000 he had run up taking lavish holidays and paying for expensive dinners and so on. And he spent £10,000 on frivolous pursuits, knowing that he had no way of paying it back - which, from my perspective, is arrant theft, and utterly shameful. It takes a great deal of effort for me to balance the books (plus my suspected ADD playing havoc with my sense of time and, therefore, deadlines). But I do it, because I don’t want to be in debt. I don’t want to have the burden of that obligation outstanding, or to suffer from the sense of powerlessness and lack of control over one’s destiny that incurs. At present, I’m making very little money - summers can be dreadful for private tutors, because (surprise surprise) kids don’t want lessons in holiday time. So I end up with around £10 a week left. But that’s better than having a destroyed credit rating and a total loss of self-respect, surely?
I just can’t figure this out, Turds. Alice has had cloae to half a million dollars. She has been overpaid. She received $10,000 pcm over five or six months. Her ridiculous rent notwithstanding (and I cannot fathom the kind of mentality that thinks: ‘I have no job, no desire to acquire one, no separate income stream and, having ‘fallen out’ with my family members and various friends, no-one upon whom to call for help: therefore, I am going to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a property in an exorbitant postcode, without considering that soon, I may be evicted, and will have to uproot the children I traumatised, used as pawns against and alienated from their (wage-earning - a capacity I worked hard to destroy) father’), she Will [Alice CAPS] NOT GET A JOB. She has destroyed whatever credibility she had left in an industry not known for its forgiving nature, and in which she made enemies and threw tantrums when she wasn’t getting the attention she thought she deserved. She’s worked about five days in four years. She could easily have afforded to pay a ca. $300 electricity bill on $10,000 a month. What other bills hasn’t she paid? What does she think is going to happen when her credit rating is tanked? What about when she gets evicted? Is she really prepared to live in a homeless shelter with two vulnerable young girls to stick it to IG? WHERE HAS ALL THE MONEY GONE???
Sorry to shout, but I’m just boggled by her insouciance. This isn’t cute, funny or clever. She’s put herself at the risk of identity theft/fraud, allowed her children to run amok on- and offline, squandered hundreds of thousands of dollars, is now 56 with no plans to work or viable options for moneymaking… it reminds me of a book by Mary Wesley in which someone who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer spent wildly and frivolously, knowing she’d never have to pay the money back.
Sorry, all - sorry for rambling on so much; I just don’t understand. I simply don’t understand. I have a pretty extensive knowledge and understanding of personality traits and disorders, teach psychology… but Alice floors me. The mentality of someone who is prepared to let her children live in the dark, in a blazing hot summer without air conditioning, without recourse to chilled food and hygeine, all so she can get in the Daily Heil and stick it to the ex-husband she relies on for financial support, just staggers me.
@CookieMonsta - thinking about you, Cookie. You’re in my prayers every night. I just want the best for you - I’m so worried about your situation. Please take care of you and your beloved Kitten. Always here if/when you need.
@brie l - you are in my prayers also: if you need anything, I (we) will do whatever I (we) can. So much love to you.
@lulooo - thinking of you. ❤
@Lulugrace - so sorry to hear of your injury: I think it might be heavensent that you don’t have to work right now, so you can heal. I hope your Majestic Cat is looking after you.)