Aja Barber

The ridiculous subtweeting continues. Either say it or stfu


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I’m really struggling with Aja at the moment. She did a Twitter thread the other day on how she tried to make sure she never came across as poor in white spaces. Then confirmed that her family weren’t poor, whilst complaining that white people are calling her out for being privileged.
I’m really struggling with Aja at the moment. She did a Twitter thread the other day on how she tried to make sure she never came across as poor in white spaces. Then confirmed that her family weren’t poor, whilst complaining that white people are calling her out for being privileged.
I honestly have zero time for Aja, never have. She makes everything 100% about race, and whilst she does sometimes make a good point, I strongly believe that the biggest divider has always been class, yet she completely disregards it
I’m really struggling with Aja at the moment. She did a Twitter thread the other day on how she tried to make sure she never came across as poor in white spaces. Then confirmed that her family weren’t poor, whilst complaining that white people are calling her out for being privileged.
I hadn’t seen this thread, but just gave it a read. She’s definitely confusing race and class. You can be non-white and still be in a better financial position than white people. That’s not to say that racism and poverty aren’t linked, they absolutely are. But Aja clearly wasn’t poor and by the sounds of it had some financial privilege as a kid. It’s ok to acknowledge that you have privilege in some ways and not in others. Such a weird thread to even write, I don’t know why she would need to publicly out herself in this way.
I honestly have zero time for Aja, never have. She makes everything 100% about race, and whilst she does sometimes make a good point, I strongly believe that the biggest divider has always been class, yet she completely disregards it

she conveniently "overlooks" issues of race when it benefits her too so she doesn't have to hold herself accountable for her exploitative habits. for instance, buying leather, eating meat, etc. etc. she'll drag white people over hot coals for their fast fashion purchases but then completely ignore how the leather industry and meat industry exploits and represses PoC

those tweets really highlight how self absorbed she is and ignorant. "just because my dad wanted to buy us nice things doesn't mean I'm privileged!!!" WHAT THE duck witch. of course you're going to "chalk it up to white rage" because you do any time anyone ever criticises you. you can't handle it. it's always someone else's fault.

it's not a "gotcha" it's a "please acknowledge that you're coming from a place a privileged yet you always try to paint yourself as the victim."
It genuinely maddens me how much people like Aja set race issues back. I wonder how many folk who became much more proactive after the events of George Floyd have now become disengaged because of her.

Apologies if that’s insensitive- white people caring about the treatment of POC and systemic racism is long overdue. But Aja undoes the work of many hardworking POC who do a far better job at engaging people than she does. It shouldn’t be their job to do that, but sadly it often is and she undermines all of the people who aren’t simply doing stuff for their own ego, like she does.

Class issues are constantly overlooked and she is no better than the white people she loves to constantly condemn if she can’t recognise the incredibly privileged position she’s in.
No good comes from being that focussed on yourself, it’s unhealthy.
It sounds like she's subtweeting a thread on her IG where she was criticising J*hnny D*pp's daughter, who said something about nepotism and someone who knows her IRL mentioned in the comments that Aja benefited from nepotism herself because the high school jobs she had were from her dad and a lot more beneficial to her future than like, a cashier job might have been. That became a whole pile on where Aja tried to defend her jobs that her dad gave her in TV production by saying they were also places where she experienced racism and sexual harassment and anyway, she only had them so that she could... pay her way on family vacations to the south of France every year. That is also a lot of privilege she's not acknowledging.

Honestly, this was the last straw with me. I've seen so much drama and excused it because she does make some good points and makes me think about how fast fashion, fatphobia and climate change intersect with racism and privilege but when she couldn't acknowledge the ways she has privilege too, even in the slightest really made me see exactly how hypocritical she is. Like, ok, those jobs came with sexual harassment and racism, which sucks and shouldn't be tolerated at all. Lots of jobs come with those things. But it doesn't negate the fact that she had a job that gave her professional network contacts while she was in high school because of who her dad was. That's literally all the person was saying, it seemed like to me. I could be wrong. Apparently I am because there was some tone-shaming going on that I didn't fully understand.

It's okay to acknowledge that your parents wanted you to have you nice things, and part of those nice things were trips to France. It's also ok to say that you had to work for them. It doesn't mean that this is a competition of who had it worse. And I honestly don't see how race comes into play with it. I don't mind at all if people benefit from their parents' careers and hard work, as long as those people are also hard working and acknowledge that they were able to benefit in ways some people can't.
Aja in her Stories saying how she deletes comments that tell her her account is an echo chamber....... it is though? and she must know that? people are too scared to disagree with her AND all her followers are ready and willing to drag anyone for her. More proof that she just can't handle having a conversation with people who disagree with her. She must be INSUFFERABLE as a friend or partner.
She is. I know someone who knew her for years and the tit she could tell you... They're no longer friends and I know it hurt a lot when it ended because she thought they'd been close but now feels like she was an emotional punching bag for years. Not that she doesn't have her good qualities and stuff. You can see that she's made a lot of people aware of racism and issues in fast fashion. But she also seems to have a lot of internalized anger she hasn't dealt with. It sucks when people give in to being bitter.

Having known Aja Barber personally for almost two decades, I can confirm that she has long suffered from debilitating insecurities that manifested themselves in passive-aggressive behavior, especially while living with and being supported by her parents throughout her 20s and early 30s. Make no mistake: she had a very privileged upbringing, growing up in one of Northern Virginia's most affluent and inclusive middle class communities by two professionally established parents. But instead of letting that inspire her to create or build something new, Aja often preferred to tear down and criticize others, the more successful the better. But it was the rise of the new culture wars (circa 2014-2016) which provided her a perfect opportunity to weaponize progressive causes like BLM and #MeToo to build a a niche following for herself on social media, inexplicably as a self-proclaimed authority on sustainable fashion design when she possessed no formal higher education or experience in the fashion industry.

Unfortunately Aja's capacity for critical thought, let alone introspection, rarely exceeds that of a vindictive teenager. Perhaps this explains why, that despite her moderate successes, she remains a 'fangirl' at heart, bolstering her chronic lack of self worth by relentlessly pursuing followers and likes instead of more difficult achievements. Even when she was able to get some PR validation from brands she long fawned over (e.g., Finland's Marimekko) or even her book deal, it wasn't enough. Maybe because she realizes deep down inside that her entire career is built upon destructiveness and negativity rather than creating actual value?

As stated repeatedly above, when it comes to consistency on issues, sustainability-related or otherwise, Ms. Barber's modus operandi is to excuse bad behavior by any persons or companies with whom she has built some alliance while mercilessly attacking all others that she perceives as being in disagreement with her or "out of her league".
I have also known her for almost two decades and you are exactly correct. The only thing I'd change about this is that her mother was a SAHM who worked part time. I agree that it seemed like after Trump got elected Aja's social media following grew. Before that she was not a very happy person but also not nearly as mean as she is on social media now. I haven't had any in person communication in several years so I don't know what she's like in her private life but she is very different than the person I used to know.
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Sorry but youre not poor if your parents continued to help you financially in your 20s and 30s. Ethnic kids from poor backgrounds are now the ones helping their family financially in their 20s or 30s once they themselves are able to get a job, and even then its bloody hard

Her face looks like a horrible person, like an angry unhappy person. She doesnt have a kind face at all

As a black woman Aja does not speak for me

Seems like she has some internal issues, if she was rebellious in her youth and jnto her 20s and 30s then she needs therapy
So glad I found this thread. I started following Aja 2 years ago and she made good points around fast fashion, labour but there was a drama every other week, usually just someone making a comment on her erm public Instagram? Usually this comment would be polite making a valid counter point and she would snapshot it and get her followers to hound them for politely disagreeing.

The tantrum which made see her plainly was about this dungaree company- was sustainable clothing, paid workers living wage etc sorry I can’t remember the exact name!
This company I think had a guest on their podcast about plus sized clothing- it was a bit premature as they hadn’t expanded their own range but were in the process of doing so.
Aja completely lost it- hounded this company on her stories and with live videos for days. I think someone put it well here, she doesn’t want accountability, she seems to want to drag these companies down to the point where they are ruined.
She then said that years ago she had spoken to the CEO voluntarily and suggested they do gender neutral range then was fuming years later she had done unpaid “emotional labour”.
The CEO very reasonably responded he thought he was kindly getting on a call at her request for customer feedback. She fumes even more saying it was expert consultancy he was getting.
I mean 6 years ago she was just an Insta page with not even many followers- it’s not like she has any qualifications or fashion experience especially back then or even advertised herself as a consultant.
I can only guess she was angry she hadn’t been asked to be the guest plus sized fashion advocate for this company but hid it under the guise of being angry their plus size range wasn’t completed yet. A fair point but the rage at a small sustainable company seemed way off.
she doesn’t want accountability, she seems to want to drag these companies down to the point where they are ruined.

100% this. that's all she wants. the way she uses her followers as a weapon to attack people in the name of "accountability" is shocking. it's bullying, pure and simple. when I followed her she'd do it every other day. they;'d be someone new she didn' tlike and wanted to absolutely destroy. she's a horrible nasty woman.

The tantrum which made see her plainly was about this dungaree company-

it was lucy and yak. a small business that was already doing a whole bunch of stuff that very few brands do. aja went after them because they spoke to her on the phone years ago and suddenly she expected to be paid for her "work." there was a reddit thread about it all. I think that was the start of quite a few people realising aja is just nasty. there was no reason to be so hateful towards a small business.

from what i remember, aja didn't like that they weren't size inclusive enough. they already had larger sizes but that wasn't enough for her and she wanted them cancelled over it.

aja thinks everything she deos online is "work" and she should be paid for it. she's so far up her own arse.
Yes! Lucy and Yak that was it. It was so nasty she did like 3 videos and even posted memes.
The unpaid labour bit was bizarre, I totally saw the CEO of Lucy and Yaks point. They took their time to get on the phone with a customer and listen to feedback at Aja’s request not theirs.
It’s not like she even advertised herself as a consultant. If she thought her advice had monetary worth then be upfront about it and also give the business a proposal to review before getting on the phone.

Even the way she deals with comments that are slightly to her disagreement on her Instagram. She makes it clear she wants grovelling apologies and wants the user to be hounded by her followers on their page too. It’s like she gets a thrill of it with the guise of “educating” the user on their privilege and internalised racism that made them comment on HER page a polite but different viewpoint.
Instagram is a public site. the page owner has complete control on who they allow to comment, who they block, you can even block certain words in comments. If you don’t want people commenting then turn off the function. If you don’t want new followers to comment then turn that off too. Don’t throw a tantrum every time something you disagree with, or just stop with using Instagram…but she won’t as these tantrums have given her the huge following and $$$ for her patron.
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"Listen, I don't care about not being on the list."

Yes you do. omfg YES YOU DO. that's why you've made numerous Stories talking about the Vogue Business 100 that you "didn't even know existed" and you went to look because you saw your friends on there and wanted to congratulate them (sure, sure you did Aja). now she's kicking off saying they've stolen her book or words from it (????????) if you "don't care" then you wouldn't go to that much effort to spend all day long making Stories about it!

aja literally thinks the entire world revolves around her. nobody knows who she is in the fashion industry. only in a tiny corner of the instagram sustainable fashion circle does anyone know aja's name. she thinks because she has 200k followers that it means something. but it doesn't in the real world. she has zero credentials. she's just the same as any other influencer on the internet.
Catching up with this Vogue business drama. I notice Aja has only put up the quote from the Vogue article…do we know what the paragraph from her book says? Is it a literal copy and paste job or is she saying the themes are what they’ve copied from the intro?
In her insta she says it’s “clearly inspired by Consumed” which makes it seems like just the topics but the way it’s posted makes it seem like an entire quote was copied and pasted which is pretty awful if true.
Anyway she said “i am the ONLY person who wrote a book covering all of these topics” then follows it up with a dramatic “I know I’m the only one.” 😂
Aja's back to her old tricks, this time on twitter. She's publicly quote retweeted someone who disagreed with her . this person is open to having a discussion but as always Aja says she should get back for her ""labour"" and is raging that people have the "audacity" to disagree with her/want to have a discussion that she literally started!!!

publicly attacking people and sharing their tweets with her thousands of followers is so gross and manipulative. if she doesn't want to have a discussion, why doesn't she just ignore or block those people? instead she quote retweets them, baiting them into a discussion only to declare that she's above all that unless they pay her via Patreon.