Aja Barber

Aja in her Stories saying how she deletes comments that tell her her account is an echo chamber....... it is though? and she must know that? people are too scared to disagree with her AND all her followers are ready and willing to drag anyone for her. More proof that she just can't handle having a conversation with people who disagree with her. She must be INSUFFERABLE as a friend or partner.
Eugh this ones such a hypocrite, I’m sure a while ago she was going off on one about Lucy & Yak not being size inclusive and then the other day proceeded to show a dress that was from a company that didn’t appear to be size inclusive, but it’s apparently ethical and fits her narrative, so it’s ok 🙄
of course! how could I forget?! super super stinky!!!

I forgot another thing that irritated me about aja's recent post. she writes about her London rent - witch YOU CHOSE TO LIVE IN LONDON! You literally moved across the world and chose to live in one of the most expensive cities. the privilege this woman has is astronomical but because she's a black woman suddenly she doesn't have to acknowledge it? wtf. Aja - check yourself. or, like you'd say to other people, do better.
I used to follow Aja but I became disillusioned when I actually did the maths to figure out how much she earned on Patreon, which I used to support. I should say in advance that I'm not explicitly opposed to her earning the amount she earns, but I think the issue is that she very much says that you are paying for her content, and her content is crap. Her IG (unsubsdcribed) is incredibly repetitive, and her Patreon is just her writing 100–300 words in response to articles. Often the actual interesting discussion on those was in the comments by Patrons, not by Aja. So what am I paying for? Plus every damn thing that woman writes is about money and class and where she fits into it. And she's always positioning herself as not super well off, only now is she just middle class etc, and she bangs on about London being expensive. I'd almost rather she just unashamedly asked for money like the Slumflower who she so detests. She's just not being open even though she pretends to be. Plus she's stayed friends with a lot of other questionable people on IG.

But to the numbers. I'm just going to present my calculations here for you to get a sense of her earnings:
- She hides both her patron count and her income. People tend to only do this when they make a lot of money and I think it's shady.
- At some point she said that she hit 2,500 subscribers on Patreon and was going to make her newsletter free for everyone. She's hit that goal. I assume she has more patrons than that currently as she hit the goal a while ago, but let's stick to this number.
- At the highest tier, Patreon takes 12% of a creator's monthly income, plus processing fees. I'll bump this up to 17% which I assume is an overestimate.
- Onto Aja's tiers. Aja has seven tiers: $1 (only for students and limited), $5, $10, $20, $25, $50 (for buisness advice) and $100 (for being a personal shopper). I have thoughts about this but I'll leave them for now.
- Based on these tiers, I'm going to assume that the average amount of money people are giving is $10 a month. I'm also going to throw in an extra $300 because based on how she's spoken about it in the past, I'm assuming that she has at least three personal shopping members. I guess that means I'm calculating that she has 2,503 patrons. I should note, though, that I think these are all underestimates.
Without deducting Patreon fees, that's $25,300 (2,500 x $10 + $300) per month.
- 17% of $25,300 is $4,301 in monthly Patreon fees (which is a lot, don't get me wrong!).
- In total, my estimate is that Aja is earning $20,999 a month. That is $251,988 a year before tax.
- I think the exchange rate is meant to be bad rn, but that comes out to £180,991 a year with the today exchange rate.
- This, of course, does not even take into account how much her husband earned, and it must have been a reasonable amount as he bought the flat they live in.
- Oh, or her book advance. 🙃

If you support any accounts on Patreon I would suggest looking at how much they might earn (some have it up, some have only the subscriber numbers), you might be surprised what you find!
Thanks for that - it's eye-opening! i never imagined she was earning so much money on Patron. It really highlights how hypocritical Aja has been in regards to Instagram ads. She deosn't need to do them and was guilting people into giving her more money because she "never did ads".... she really loves the money huh?? I always thought her patron content must be pretty special and where the "real gold" is because her instagram is just a bunch of ranting and drama. interesting to know it's pure shite on Patron!

#Aja always makes out like she's not privileged or wealthy when she absolutely is. She moved from the US to the UK to live in the most expensive city in the world. Obviously she needs to stay relatable and make out like she's not rich but it's huge bleeping lie. You can only do what she's done by being super privileged. that doesn't fit into her narrative though does it?

her content is bullshit. she has no actual credentials she's just a social media personality spouting her opinions as facts. She gets so much wrong about the fashion industry and sustainability. No one calls her out because she publicly drags anyone who disagree with her.
Thanks for that - it's eye-opening! i never imagined she was earning so much money on Patron. It really highlights how hypocritical Aja has been in regards to Instagram ads. She deosn't need to do them and was guilting people into giving her more money because she "never did ads".... she really loves the money huh?? I always thought her patron content must be pretty special and where the "real gold" is because her instagram is just a bunch of ranting and drama. interesting to know it's pure shite on Patron!

#Aja always makes out like she's not privileged or wealthy when she absolutely is. She moved from the US to the UK to live in the most expensive city in the world. Obviously she needs to stay relatable and make out like she's not rich but it's huge bleeping lie. You can only do what she's done by being super privileged. that doesn't fit into her narrative though does it?

her content is bullshit. she has no actual credentials she's just a social media personality spouting her opinions as facts. She gets so much wrong about the fashion industry and sustainability. No one calls her out because she publicly drags anyone who disagree with her.
But you have to remember that for poor old Aja, this is all her ‘emotional labour’ not that anyone asks for it in the first please, but we must understand that.
I always wondered why she supported Lush so much when there are more threads out there than I care to mention about how badly staff are treated at Lush.

Aja is so contradictory. she boycotts certain brands because they are ~problematic~ for clout (Oatly) but continues to work with others (Lush) despite them being just as problematic and the others. she does a lot of virtue signalling to look good to her followers.
Aja in her Stories saying how she deletes comments that tell her her account is an echo chamber....... it is though? and she must know that? people are too scared to disagree with her AND all her followers are ready and willing to drag anyone for her. More proof that she just can't handle having a conversation with people who disagree with her. She must be INSUFFERABLE as a friend or partner.

Having known Aja Barber personally for almost two decades, I can confirm that she has long suffered from debilitating insecurities that manifested themselves in passive-aggressive behavior, especially while living with and being supported by her parents throughout her 20s and early 30s. Make no mistake: she had a very privileged upbringing, growing up in one of Northern Virginia's most affluent and inclusive middle class communities by two professionally established parents. But instead of letting that inspire her to create or build something new, Aja often preferred to tear down and criticize others, the more successful the better. But it was the rise of the new culture wars (circa 2014-2016) which provided her a perfect opportunity to weaponize progressive causes like BLM and #MeToo to build a a niche following for herself on social media, inexplicably as a self-proclaimed authority on sustainable fashion design when she possessed no formal higher education or experience in the fashion industry.

Unfortunately Aja's capacity for critical thought, let alone introspection, rarely exceeds that of a vindictive teenager. Perhaps this explains why, that despite her moderate successes, she remains a 'fangirl' at heart, bolstering her chronic lack of self worth by relentlessly pursuing followers and likes instead of more difficult achievements. Even when she was able to get some PR validation from brands she long fawned over (e.g., Finland's Marimekko) or even her book deal, it wasn't enough. Maybe because she realizes deep down inside that her entire career is built upon destructiveness and negativity rather than creating actual value?

As stated repeatedly above, when it comes to consistency on issues, sustainability-related or otherwise, Ms. Barber's modus operandi is to excuse bad behavior by any persons or companies with whom she has built some alliance while mercilessly attacking all others that she perceives as being in disagreement with her or "out of her league".
Hellooo, anyone out there? I’m hoping to bring this old thread back to life because something strange is going down (and because I haven’t been on Tattle long enough to start threads yet).

Aja and Demi Colleen have both posted oddly similar and cryptic tweets today. Judging by what Demi has said, I think her tweet is aimed at Mikaela Loach. Mikaela seems lovely though, so I’m not sure. Anyone have any ideas?


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yeah right Aja, "quitting social media was the plan all along" more bullshit. she'd never give up that amount of followers! it certainly does nurture monsters because look at you. the only way aja has reached "success" (which is limited to social media!) is becuase she bullies people and incites pile ons. which seems to be what she's doing again with mikaela loach.

I'd like to know what's going down mikaela loach.... she seems really nice. from what we've seen with aja before, it's usually down to jealous rage. a grown ass adult woman acting like a high schooler, bully other people into doing what she says or feeling her wrath! what a nasty woman.
yeah right Aja, "quitting social media was the plan all along" more bullshit. she'd never give up that amount of followers! it certainly does nurture monsters because look at you. the only way aja has reached "success" (which is limited to social media!) is becuase she bullies people and incites pile ons. which seems to be what she's doing again with mikaela loach.

I'd like to know what's going down mikaela loach.... she seems really nice. from what we've seen with aja before, it's usually down to jealous rage. a grown ass adult woman acting like a high schooler, bully other people into doing what she says or feeling her wrath! what a nasty woman.

Subtweeting is so petty. Aja does do it a lot which I find odd because she’s said in the past about not wanting drama. But for both Aja and Demi to put out similar tweets… especially Demi’s tweet mentioning a book deal days after Mikaela announced she’s got a book deal. It feels fairly obvious. Neither Demi nor Aja follow Mikaela and Mikaela doesn’t follow them but I’m sure Demi followed Mikaela at some point.
Subtweeting is so petty. Aja does do it a lot which I find odd because she’s said in the past about not wanting drama. But for both Aja and Demi to put out similar tweets… especially Demi’s tweet mentioning a book deal days after Mikaela announced she’s got a book deal. It feels fairly obvious. Neither Demi nor Aja follow Mikaela and Mikaela doesn’t follow them but I’m sure Demi followed Mikaela at some point.

Aja not wanting drama??? Who is she kidding? She THRIVES on drama. She literally built get entire following off the back of creating drama with other people