Ailsa Gardiner

She’s snapping back saying it wouldn’t be right to discipline her kids on camera and Vanessa was just emotional. So WHY are you posting your kids vulnerable, emotional moments on the internet? Why are you filming firstly and secondly watching it back and thinking “yeah watching my little girl have a hard moment should be uploaded”. The excuse is always to “keep it real” and “show others real life”. WHY is your daughters privacy, safety and emotions not your number one priority over letting strangers know it’s okay for kids to have tantrums. Everyone knows that. She is horrific.
Good point! Too little to have one but not go to one? Or is Ailsa just a tight arse and doesn’t want to spend money on something that isn’t M&S, joules or Volvo 😂
She's a tight arse. Or Richard said no. I get the impression she is not so connected with the other school parents. They prob steer clear because she thinks she's better than everyone else. Those kids never seem to socialise out of school.
She’s just constantly out shopping and buying stuff. It’s all well and good doing “budget” food shop videos but when you’re out at the shops buying unnecessary stuff and takeaway coffees it defeats the purpose of living on a budget. Can tell she lives a boring life when the kids are at school and goes shopping to fill her day as her “work” is minimal.
She’s always out buying food but I’ve noticed in her videos she just loves to pick things up and show them as if she’s buying them but she’s too tight and skint to actually buy the things. The food yes as I still think she has some major underlying issues with food. What’s that phrase illusions of grandeur. That’s Ailsa to a tee.
She’s always out buying food but I’ve noticed in her videos she just loves to pick things up and show them as if she’s buying them but she’s too tight and skint to actually buy the things. The food yes as I still think she has some major underlying issues with food. What’s that phrase illusions of grandeur. That’s Ailsa to a tee.
Yes! Like the try on in the jewelers, she had no intention of buying the ring.
The video the other night, she was going out with friends. She Had gotten all ready, done her hair etc then took the dog out a walk in the rain because the husband “asked her to” she was either doing/saying that for a reaction to boost her views and comments for the money, or hes an absolute arse and shes the biggest mug ever. Never in a million years would my husband even ask me to take our dog out when i had just done all my hair and make up for going out! Also he wouldnt have me cooking for the rest of them! hed say they will get a takeaway or hel cook and let me go out and enjoy myself! How strange they both really are! If the husband really did do all of that and it wasnt just for content and cash 💰 then im so lucky to have my man and not someone like him. Feel pretty sorry that she thinks thats ok to be treated in that way 😞
The video the other night, she was going out with friends. She Had gotten all ready, done her hair etc then took the dog out a walk in the rain because the husband “asked her to” she was either doing/saying that for a reaction to boost her views and comments for the money, or hes an absolute arse and shes the biggest mug ever. Never in a million years would my husband even ask me to take our dog out when i had just done all my hair and make up for going out! Also he wouldnt have me cooking for the rest of them! hed say they will get a takeaway or hel cook and let me go out and enjoy myself! How strange they both really are! If the husband really did do all of that and it wasnt just for content and cash 💰 then im so lucky to have my man and not someone like him. Feel pretty sorry that she thinks thats ok to be treated in that way 😞
It;s the way she refers to him as 'my husband', aye ok Hyacinth - 'The Gardiner residence, the lady of the house speaking!'
The video the other night, she was going out with friends. She Had gotten all ready, done her hair etc then took the dog out a walk in the rain because the husband “asked her to” she was either doing/saying that for a reaction to boost her views and comments for the money, or hes an absolute arse and shes the biggest mug ever. Never in a million years would my husband even ask me to take our dog out when i had just done all my hair and make up for going out! Also he wouldnt have me cooking for the rest of them! hed say they will get a takeaway or hel cook and let me go out and enjoy myself! How strange they both really are! If the husband really did do all of that and it wasnt just for content and cash 💰 then im so lucky to have my man and not someone like him. Feel pretty sorry that she thinks thats ok to be treated in that way 😞
I've said it before, he's abusive and controlling. She's scared of him and so are the kids.