Ailsa Gardiner

I still can’t believe she thought you go into peoples houses and did a dance or told a joke?! Yes let me invite a load of random kids into my house for the evening because that’s exactly what I’d want rather than just quickly handing some sweets. Where the hell did she grow up that they did that? 😂 surely she’s got her memories mixed up and it was actually family members she was doing that at.

Did no one not even her husband tell her that that’s not what you do when you go out trick or treating when she was giving him her reasons as to why they wouldn’t be taking the kids out.
Me! Me! Me! What does Ailsa want? What does Ailsa feel? What does Ailsa feel okay with? What would be more fun for Ailsa? What will stroke Ailsa’s ego more? What will portray Ailsa as the best person? How would Ailsa prefer her kids to dress? ME! ME! ME! those poor kids. I don’t suppose many parents actually enjoy half the activities or things they do with their kids…. but they suck it up because it makes their kids happy! No wonder Vanessa is a devil.
Also, Richard is probably just afraid to disagree with her because then he’ll have to make his own dinner
Speaking of dinner, who the duck has boiled carrots and cabbage wae a chicken burger??!
They way she dishes up the mans before her kids. Never in a million years do we get our dinner before our kids…. If wer eating different at different times fair enough but for you all to wat together but make sure the husband is sorted first 😂😂 the wee boy seems like such a lovely wee soul, how he will cope growing up with the other 3 is beyond me 😂😂 still cant believe it was his birthday last week and he didnt even get to take a pal out to landmark or round for cake and a play. Had to hang about with the sister as usual and probs got dragged to a forest for a dog walk 🥴
She’s younger than me and she dresses more like my mum than she does me . Not saying I’m overly stylish either (I live in straight leg jeans and the same jumper I have from Asda in three colours !!) but Christ , she dresses like a soon to be retired receptionist
She’s younger than me and she dresses more like my mum than she does me . Not saying I’m overly stylish either (I live in straight leg jeans and the same jumper I have from Asda in three colours !!) but Christ , she dresses like a soon to be retired receptionist
It was that blue shirt she had on the other day, I thought at first that was a work uniform but then I remembered that’s not the case and that was just a fashion house from her.
I feel heart sorry for that wee boy - he is 7 and will now be noticing that his friends are off doing things while he is still hanging with his Mum and sister going dog walks
Wonder if he is still getting to go to scouts
I’ve just posted on the Muddle Through Mummy thread, don’t know if anyone else is on there too? As she and Ailsa give me similar vibes. Both super controlling, weird about food, totally baby-fying their kids. Daisy (MTM) is on holiday in Edinburgh right now (probably mainly so she doesn’t have to take the kids trick or treating and shock horror give them some sugar) so they should meet up 😂 (ok I know Edinburgh isn’t close to Inverness but it’s closer than Bristol).
I’ve just posted on the Muddle Through Mummy thread, don’t know if anyone else is on there too? As she and Ailsa give me similar vibes. Both super controlling, weird about food, totally baby-fying their kids. Daisy (MTM) is on holiday in Edinburgh right now (probably mainly so she doesn’t have to take the kids trick or treating and shock horror give them some sugar) so they should meet up 😂 (ok I know Edinburgh isn’t close to Inverness but it’s closer than Bristol).

I came over seeing your post. I can't wrap my head around them not wanting to go out at Halloween. The excuse that their families never went big on Halloween isn't a reason at all.. They are the perfect age for it.