jack monroe

  1. W

    Jack Monroe #576 All quiet on the guestern front

    Thread title by @MavisBeacon, nominated by @Flivver. You win something tasty baked by Candice Brown from random ingredients at Fareshare. Recap: It was all quiet on the guestern front until today when it was announced guest is partnering with Fareshare for The Big Help Out 2024. So for once she...
  2. W

    Jack Monroe #575 The only poverty she's interested in alleviating is her own

    Thread title by @MavisBeacon, nominated by @Lazarus. You each win a box of guest's macadamia blondies from 2012, probably the first and last vaguely tasty thing she has ever managed to produce. Recap! Like Elmer Fudd, guest has been vewy vewy quiet this week as her name keeps being brought up...
  3. W

    Jack Monroe #574 She's definitely lying about something

    Thread title by @Witchfinder Sargeant, nominated by @Hollaaa. You win tickets to the premiere of the BBC's upcoming guest exposé. Recap: The BBC released a documentary about the many scams and lies of Depher. Guest's name trended on Twitter with many many people saying she should be next, and...
  4. W

    Jack Monroe #573 Close your Patreon, you thieving liar

    Thread title by @MavisBeacon, nominated by @Geetbo. You each win a nice bowl that is not chipped. Recap: Guest is on Twitter making incredibly acrid slops, and posting close-up photos of her bedroom that we suspect are intended to torment the canal, since it's not obvious from them whether or...
  5. W

    Jack Monroe #572 She also featured in a Sainsburys television campaign in January 2014

    Thread title from guest's Kruger Cowne account page, nominated by @Shimmering. You win all the Nectar points that guest would have accrued at Sainsburys if they hadn't fired her for her comments about David Cameron, causing her to take her business elsewhere and go to Asda instead. Recap...
  6. W

    Jack Monroe #571 1-2 to us

    Thread title by guest herself, suggested by @allybongo and @YerDa. You win the satisfaction of victory, and a free replacement loft hatch. Recap: Guest's in her Baby Reindeer era, blaming her absence and all past misdeeds on an unnamed stalker/hacker. Footy!Guest is also still in the picture...
  7. W

    Jack Monroe #570 Delusions of Relevance

    Title by @nothanksbabes, suggested by @MaineCoonMama. You win a month's Netflix subscription so you can watch Baby Reindeer, which has nothing at all to do with guest's latest escapades. Recap: Guess who's back, back again! Guest is back, tell a friend! She went away because she was hacked by...
  8. W

    Jack Monroe #569 #YoullNeverWorkAgain

    Title by @RandomFishOils, suggested by @MavisBeacon. You both win "fallen off a lorry" Liverpool shirts as authentic as guest's love for her team. Recap: A certain "JackyP" posted on Mumsnet telling ever so many porkies about how the evil canal doxxed her and went to her house. She then...
  9. rage naan

    Jack Monroe #568 Things Jack doesn't understand - Gaslighting, Gas heating, Gastronomy

    Thread title by @ForgettyBetty , nominated by @MurielSnark. Congrats both. Betty wins a potato and Muriel wins some beans, in honour of a suspected Jackpost on the place where mothers go on the internet. Last thread...
  10. TrolleyParton

    Jack Monroe #567 Wibble wibble, little mouse, thief who tried to grift a house

    Thread title by @Valiofthedolls, nominated by @EnglishRoseIrishRover. You both win a burned off CD copy of Jack and Billy Bragg's Greatest Povvo-Cosplaying Hits. Thread 566 was a long one as Jack is still mercifully quiet apart from half-assing learning her 1/8 native language, Greek, on...
  11. Phillipa78

    Jack Monroe #566 Set flavours to none

    Hallo Frauen und Herren, Please find the previous thread here; https://tattle.life/threads/jack-monroe-565-demand-0.44072/ There was a lot of mithering about Valentine's poems and semi-motivational Jack quote memes. It went on for ages, because Jack's not doing much (apart from still taking...
  12. houseofhoop

    Jack Monroe #565 Demand 0

    Congratulations to @DinosaurSenior for the winning thread title. You’ve won yourself £250 worth of magnetic spice jars, and as an extra treat they will be pre filled with exclusive contents by guest herself. Another Frau or Herren will need to do a recap please?
  13. W

    Jack Monroe #564 What's a Greek urn? Around £11,000 a month from Patreon

    Thread title by @MavisBeacon from suggestion by @Kittypops. Cuz "What's a white English wannabe grift? Around £11,000 a month from Patreon" isn't quite as snappy. You each win your choice of supermarket mezze, just like her Cypriot Moumia (mummified corpse) used to make! Recap: After six five...
  14. W

    Jack Monroe #563 Danniella Guestbrook

    Thread title by @Geetbo from suggestion by me. I'm not going to award myself anything because I'm not guest :) but Geets wins the satisfaction that Danniella is still more relevant than guest will ever be again. RIP Audrey Chawner. Recap: Several frauen called out guest's past lies over various...
  15. W

    Jack Monroe #562 It's a calculator Helen, it's not cocaine

    Thread title by @Valiofthedolls from one of guest's old tweets: You win a calculator, not cocaine. No word on whether this was Dusty Aunt Helen, possibly of the toilet-based stash of More magazines. Recap: Katie Hopkins attacked recently widowed Kate Garraway and has been piled on by some of...
  16. W

    Jack Monroe #561 Me. I happened. You're welcome

    Winning thread title suggested by @Brian Butterfield after @rage naan brought up this old tweet of guest's: You each win a designer full length mirror to look in and admire yourselves, paid for by the Patreon cash of donors who think you're desperately poor. Recap: Still no guest but the...
  17. W

    Jack Monroe #560 Publication cancelled

    Winning thread title by @Emmapism. You win a book token so you can go buy some books that have actually made it to print. Recap: In the last thread, to much sorrow, we discovered the memememememoir has, in fact, had its publication cancelled :( which is a shame because I do love a good choose...
  18. fishyfishfish

    Jack Monroe #559 Untitled Jack Monroe Memoir

    Thread title by @Brian Butterfield! You win a Christmas eel. You’ll receive it when Guest finishes the school run. Jack is still silent on the hellsite but continues to gently, softly delete blog posts which several fraus believe is a sign she is planning to return. Wiki is the pink button up...
  19. Falkor

    Jack Monroe #558 I own a fridge! This is my cooker! Look at my rug! Look at my duvet!

    Thread title by @Valiofthedolls and nominated by @Hold my beans - had to be slightly edited down from the original, which was: I sent my shopping to the wrong address! I’ve got a rucksack! I’ve got a shopping trolley! I’ve got a skip! I’ve bought MUGS! I made a candle! I made bath salts! I’ve...
  20. People-huv-tae-know

    Jack Monroe The Sloppies 2023

    I'm late this year, sorry but would you all still like a sloppy serving of our annul prize-giving? If so, I'll deliver. Please help me though by reminding me nominating your favourite events. It might be post Christmas day but hopefully pre New Year. I'll do my best. The Eye of Sauron award...
  21. fishyfishfish

    Jack Monroe #557 The cookery equivalent of Michelle Mone

    Thanks to @hoopdedoo for our wonderful, topical thread title. May your pumbles by sloppy and your cashos be plentiful. Recap: Welcome to a chaos! Guest treated us all to some obesity mithering live on Times Radio, which seemed to amount to her googling ingredient terminology from the US and...
  22. W

    Jack Monroe #556 Cyndi Pauper

    Thread title by @griftalo, nominated by @Geetbo. You each win a recording of guest's greatest hits including "BOULEVAAAAAAAAAAARD" and "Girls Just Wanna Scam Funds." Recap: Much of the last thread was us mithering over the extent of her Patreon scam and bringing up other past horrors. But...
  23. W

    Jack Monroe #555 For JennyNumbers, wherever she may be

    Recap: It's thread number 555 And once again all hell has broken loose We know what she's grifted on Patreon. It's a lot, starting with almost £11,000 in January 2022. She still gets around £1200 a month so about the equivalent of 3 days a week at minimum wage for sitting on her...
  24. W

    Jack Monroe #554 Homeopathic levels of spice

    Thread titled by @malinky, nominated by @Day3TShirt. You each win a plate of guest's special peach and chickpea curry, followed by the world's first cake with a USB port. Recap: Guest has still been quiet as a Vineyard church mouse, and mitherings in the last thread included: Jacklemore and...
  25. Witchfinder Sargeant

    Jack Monroe #553 Fairytale of No Pork

    thread title by @MaineCoonMama as a tribute to Shane MacGowan (RIP) and Jack's brief foray into veganism. Jack is still locked and MIA, so the canal are mithering through some of her greatest hits appalling slops. I think I'm scarred for life by the thought of black pudding and carrot hash...