disney vloggers

  1. Scooby Don't

    Kyle Pallo #29 Complaining man child crybaby extraordinaire.

    Welcome to the latest instalment of the mental atrophy that is the vlogging life of grimy grifter Kyle Pallo. In the last thread Kyle... Eh... Um... I can't even remember, his life is now so f*cking dull. Oh, wait! Golf. Something about golf. And a lot of eating and complaining about people...
  2. No Grifters Needed

    Best Life & Beyond #91 From renting Cabanas at Volcano Bay to going to Disney with their Own PB&J.

    Thank you to @westville for the great thread title. We haven’t had a recap in a long time, because these threads used to move as quickly as a Disney dragon going up in flames, but lately our dastardly duo has decided that laying low is the new way to solve all their problems. That led to one...
  3. Tabitha

    Disney Vloggers #11 Something for free? Me, me, me

    Brand new thread thanks @CuriosityKitty Recap: same shit, same park. (Anyone want to do a longer one?) old thread https://tattle.life/threads/disney-vloggers-10-desperate-for-fame-they-have-no-shame.36657/
  4. Scooby Don't

    Kyle Pallo #28 Watching my bestie JoJo close in on 1M subs.

    Welcome to the latest helping of roast grifter courtesy of the Internet's funniest group of Kyle Pallo's jealous hatters [sic]. In the previous instalment Kyle did a lot of eating and a lot of whining despite making it clear he's always positive and never complains. Failure is still chasing him...
  5. V

    The Tim Tracker #127 Tattle cringed when they called Jackpot unhinged

    Congrats to @airbusA330 for another great title! Recap: they are crap parents and Tim thinks he can break the rules. Feel free to add to the recap!
  6. No Grifters Needed

    The Tim Tracker #126 Look, even his Schmekle is deep fried and greasy

    Congratulations to @nevinsmommy for the winning thread name. And that's another great reason to love this sub! Learning new slang words all the time!
  7. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Best Life and Beyond #90 100k........Not Today!!!

    Congrats to @BusyMum68 and @mad TEA party for having the winning thread title.
  8. Scooby Don't

    Kyle Pallo #27 Watching his figger get bigger

    Welcome to the latest instalment of the ongoing adventures of Girth-growing Grifter Kyle Pallo. In the last thread Kyle did nothing much of interest as usual. You know the score by now; drinking sugar-laden alcoholic chuggers too much, eating nummy cheese and shrimp too much, treating his beard...
  9. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Adam the Woo #9 Bringing you baseball, whether you like it or not.

    Congrats to @Hereforthesh for having the winning thread title.
  10. P

    Best Life and Beyond #89 BLAB Goes Silent After Spencer Gets Violent

    Thank you and CONGRATS to @KingLlama for the catchy thread title!
  11. V

    The Tim Tracker #125 The Ostrich Ate My Baby!

    Congrats to @Quasimodo for another funny Tracker thread title! Someone else can handle recap duties please.
  12. cardfrek

    Tom Corless WDWNT

    Everyone's favorite Orlando based breaking Disney news source is finally here on Tattle! His sources are sketchy, the truth gets stretchy, and gets everyone else depressed-y. I know he's had some background drama in his life. It seems like his current girlfriend is employed by him and WDWNT...
  13. No Grifters Needed

    Kyle Pallo #26 His ass is bigger than his future

    Thanks to @Dismom2 who suggested @SnapChet's quote for this ongoing sh*tshow. I think this screengrab from one of Susan Amen's great reels inspired this title.
  14. Grifters of the Caribbean

    Best Life and Beyond #88 Brickey defends, subscribers pretend, KT and Spencer have come to the end

    Congrats to @disdad1984 for the new title!
  15. V

    The Tim Tracker #124 We are still a travel channel, now watch this home vlog

    Congrats to @Dont Call Them Creators for another funny and relevant thread title. Honorable mention to @Quasimodo for making it so close a race I asked for tie breakers! Someone else can handle recap but the Trackers are now posting videos again. Mostly Home Vlogs so far which makes the title...
  16. Grifters of the Caribbean

    ResortTV1 #6 Grifty And Shifty

    Congrats to @PoorKid for the winning thread title!
  17. P

    Best Life & Beyond #87 Katie and Spencer STOMP Out Accountability

    Thank you and CONGRATS to everyone's favorite uncle @UncleLester for the superb thread title!
  18. P

    Best Life & Beyond #86 Spencer Emmons is a thin skinned unhinged little witch baby.

    Thank you and Congrats to @GInursemyass for calling it like it is with our new title!
  19. starri

    Paging Mr. Morrow #12 Sorry, Gracey, I ate all your pup cakes!

    Hat tip to @NateHate for the title.
  20. Scooby Don't

    Kyle Pallo #25 Delusions of Adequacy

    Yet another instalment of Kyle Pallo's ongoing Disney Douchebaggery. In the previous chapter Kyle did pretty much the same thing as he always does. It mostly involved eating and drinking too much, choke-holding his meal ticket girlfriend and desperately trying to thirst bait with waterpark...
  21. P

    Best Life & Beyond #85 Turns out BLAB was the real Anaheim gang that you have to be on the lookout for.

    Thank you and Congrats to @shut the vlog up for the PERFECT new thread title!
  22. V

    The Tim Tracker #123 You gotta keep ‘em separated

    Congrats to @NEW-B for getting most votes for another funny Tracker thread title. Somebody else can handle detailed recap but Oliver Tracker was born and Trackers have gone quiet for about 10 days now.
  23. Iwantallthetea

    Michael and Dave Kay #14 I give up, enjoy my awful personality!

    Thread title courtesy of @Bruceman Recap? Same boring :poop:
  24. S

    The Tim Tracker #122 A pre-thread where we’ll just hang out for a while, as we’re in very mild pain

    @LetMeLosetheWill thank you for the new thread title Baby Oliver has arrived! And now it’s time to exploit not one, but TWO children! Money money money money money grift.
  25. Scooby Don't

    Kyle Pallo #24 Cruisin’ for a Disney World ban.

    Welcome to chapter 24 of the ongoing adventures of the Grimy Grizzly Grifter known as Kyle Pallo. In the previous thread Kyle did nothing of real interest which mainly involved ignoring his fans and sponsors, splashing around in a waterpark, filming his sister's breasts, being very sick and...