disney vloggers

  1. starri

    Kyle Pallo #42 So Booty Butthurt at the Hatters, It Bleeds When He Wipes

    @Chernabog provides us weirdoes, losers, and hatters with a clear winner.
  2. TheNextStacey

    The Dis Unplugged #9 Tigger King

    Time for a new thread! Thanks to @cavamom for the most liked new thread title! Feel free to recap or hit the pink button to read the Wiki for updates and story summaries. Cheers! Previous thread is here: https://tattle.life/threads/the-dis-unplugged-8.40867/
  3. starri

    Kyle Pallo #41 Manchild moves into family-subsidized housing, pats himself on back

    Title courtesy of @curious_penguin. As you were.
  4. V

    The Tim Tracker #142 The Bojan Horse

    Congrats to @Quasimodo for another hilarious title which refers to the Trackers nanny wanted listing. Someone else can do a more extensive recap please!
  5. cavamom

    Resort TV1 #8 Sir, you have got to get off the boat!

    Thanks for the new title @LittleMissMeaniePants
  6. ilovegrapes75

    The DIS Unplugged #8

    New thread Here's is the Wiki for anyone who needs a refresher.
  7. Scooby Don't

    Kyle Pallo #40 Nummy, nummy in my tummy, I never ask for anyone's money

    Title by @CaptainSalty, congrats. In the previous 39 threads Kyle was an asshole. Feel free to add further details.
  8. Iwantallthetea

    The Tim Tracker #141 The World Is Our Septic Tank

    Thread title courtesy of @And Now It's Time to Splu Continue on tattlers ....
  9. ilovegrapes75

    The DIS Unplugged #7 Congrats Pete on having great Chinese food

    Time for a new one friends! Feel free to recap the madness. Dustin's original story Sean's first post
  10. Iwantallthetea

    Kyle Pallo #39 From buying a 750K house to being homeless on Casey's couch

    Congrats to @markvlinder for the newest thread title Recap anyone?
  11. Iwantallthetea

    Michael and Dave Kay #15 -We're on a Journey Together from Karlsberg to Adler

    Our new thread title courtesy of @starri Someone else can do the recap please.
  12. ilovegrapes75

    The Dis Unplugged #6 Stay out of the damn employees part 2 The demise of Pete Werner

    Here we go gang
  13. Iwantallthetea

    The Tim Tracker #140 Shave & a haircut-two idiots - one that looks like a sunburnt potato

    Since we had a tie for the top thread title, I took the liberty of combining them Congrats to @eatcherheartout/@bten1989 & @court2022 Someone else can do a recap
  14. T

    Molly McAwesome #3 Mammoth Club Countdown to Extinction

    Thanks to @chaplinesque for the winning title. Recap: Alan quit his job Max moves to Florida Molly still doesn't like people and cries at ridiculous stuff Still can't be bothered with setting up Twitch for the MamFam Still collecting that sweet stan money!
  15. Iwantallthetea

    Kyle Pallo #38 Same shirt, different day

    Congrats to @curious_penguin for the winning thread title Recap: I think the title says it all 👍
  16. Hereforthesh

    Paging Mr. Morrow #14 I traded my dignity for some crappy fat man shirts

    Thanks to @CrazySquirrelLady for the new thread title.
  17. V

    The Tim Tracker #139 Not enough sponsored deodorant in the world to cover stench of this dying channel

    Had to shorten title from: The Tim Tracker #139 There’s not enough sponsored deodorant in the world to cover the stench of this dying channel Congrats to @Cold&Bitter for another great title. I think we ran through that thread in record or near record time. Somebody else recap please!
  18. Jafar

    The Dis Unplugged #5 Stay Out of the Damn Employees

    By popular demand congrats to Ahoyhoy We left off with Mando graciously providing his experiences and acting as the liaison for Dustin who's account is awaiting approval
  19. Iwantallthetea

    Kyle Pallo #37 Big boy shoes and collapsing views

    Congrats to @airbusA330 for the winning thread title!! Recap? Same old shit, different day ... carry on
  20. V

    Best Life & Beyond #94 Katie Battles Her Neuroses While Spencer Battles Halitosis

    Congrats to @KingLlama for a great thread title! Someone else please handle the recap duties.
  21. V

    The Tim Tracker #138 Outwitted by a cup of salad dressing

    Congrats to @PoorKid for another hilarious thread title! Someone else can handle recap duties please!
  22. No Grifters Needed

    Kyle Pallo #36 So broke that he's rope dropping free snacks

    Congratulations to @orangutan9 for the winning thread title. Our Big Boy Kyle is right in the middle of showing us his broke ass: financing a sofa from Restoration Hardware, only buying one ticket to the WDW holiday event because the bank (Susan Pallo) is crying, and eating at places where he...
  23. No Grifters Needed

    The Tim Tracker #137 And now it's time to unsubscribe

    Thank you @VloggerCritic for the winning thread title. With the US 4th of July holiday and its fireworks fading away to memories, we close thread #136 with some core memories of summer recently made for the Trackers. Vacations, staycations, dinners with friends and family. Just the same kind...
  24. P

    Addicted to the Mouse Dan and Leslie

    A Disney Family who moved to Orlando wanting to grow there travel Agency, and vlog all their Disney Adventures. The Channel use to be called Worth Melting for. It is pretty small, but will saw the way Dan films is you can see his crotch in several of there sit down videos.
  25. cardfrek

    Provost Park Pass Chris and Amanda

    Sure, why the hell not? As Chris always says as he blows smoke up everyones butt in every vlog "YOU ARE SPECIAL, you make a difference.... blah blah blah." The Provost family just embarked on their 2nd attempt at World Tour to visit EVERY Disney Park around the world (plus a few additional...