Hadassah Corobas newest video is an interesting watch if anybody is interested!
Telling us about Percy's Pages or whatever it is isn't all that revealing. Apart from her giving revenue information that isn't available through Companies House there was nothing interesting other than speculation. She said its either for Zoe to create her own book publishers (not a chance), or for self-publishing, keeping the profits of books to herself rather than working with publishers to release books (also wrong IMO). Percy's Pages is in fact more likely to be a company simply to channel the royalties she gets from her books into and keeping it separate from other aspects of her business.
Pippin Productions, well, the company has existed for a number of years, has been dormant in the past, has recently effectively been rolled into Zoe Sugg Limited, rather than another separate company, it is now more a company within a company. I still think that is most likely something set up to be a vehicle for any money she earns from a film adaption of Girl Online, something she may have hoped for since it was released, but has only recently even been mentioned as rights been acquired for that, hence the dormant period previously.
ZS Beauty latest accounts, balance sheet (2019) of £500k. ZSLifestyle balance sheet of about £150k (2018).
Seven For a Secret, about a year old, could be for anything really.
Playback Memories incorporated April 2019, seems to recent to be that app which was surely many months in development, but could be the app company.
Interesting, no company listed with Zoe as shareholder with other people that would suggest being the company, unless it turns out Zoe funded the development of the app to such an extent, that the actual developers were merely employees of the company and Zoe actually owns the app outright. Who knows. It could then be Playback Memories.
Crew Live was the company they set up to run Amity Fest years and years ago, not Hello World. Which was a different company as far as I'm aware that company has since dissolved, I'm not certain though because I can't remember what that company was called to check.
Having gone to have a look at Companies House, honestly the most interesting thing I found was another new company formed recently, AtoZ Workspace (50/50 Zoe and Alfie shareholding), nature of business described as "Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate". Now I imagine Alfie's personal buy to let properties are his own and not shared with Zoe, and will therefore be booked through accounts on one of his personal businesses. Which suggests this is something different, it could be that they are going to casually rent out their office space, so if people need a meeting room for a couple of hours they could book there etc. or it could be something else. I'm not convinced we will hear anything about that company from Alfie.
Overall, I don't think that video was overly revealing, beyond a few revenue figures and suggestions about profit figures. All those companies are just the ones that have been mentioned at times in these threads in the past. And hinting about Gleam and their role in it all, not all that secret either, it is standard practice for a management company to take a cut in companies their clients make to get their cut.
I've rambled here, hope what I've written makes some kind of sense. I have too much time on my hands.