Chatty Member
This may be crossing the line so please call me out if it is, but could anyone else see her as being the type of girl who just ‘forgets’ her pill in order to get pregnant?
I definitely also think she’ll struggle to conceive, me and my partner are into our second year of trying, and are both healthy 20somethings, so Christ knows how she’d ever manage it with her diet and lifestyle!
I feel you. I’m in the process of fertility treatment so perhaps I have. Heightened sensitivity to it but knowing Zoe wants children so bad and Alfie is dragging his heels I just think... JUST GO FOR IT, ZOE! Have a baby! Some people fall pregnant fast, some people don’t know they have issues til hey start to try. If she wants a baby, better start trying ASAP. Better to do hat than find out you never realised you have a diminished egg reserve in your late 20s
Is Zoe pro-Brexit?Definitely not the talking points in the Zoella office
None of them look political minded all all