She reads here, I think she makes it obvious. She responds to things that are quoted here a lot, not always immediately - but just sits on her anger for a while probably boiling over before she posts
There was a post from her a while back about people leaving fake bad reviews based only on the fact they didn’t like her, and that it was nothing to do with the creams and therefore unfair as a small business owner.
She tries to give people a right telling off for negative reviews and has done for a long time so I don’t know what the truth is regarding reviews, but she seems really fixated on her wonder creams being loved by all.
And ZB when you do read here, you aren’t being trolled over deletion of negative reviews, it’s just fact, and you know it.
Spot on. And as for the hair in the bowl that isn’t surprised.
She was once in the daily fail claiming she was earning 20k a year, years before the brand supposedly went crazy.
The comments on the article were gold.
She was running a really dodgy show back then. No ingredients listed, batch numbers, or use by date.
Tax man hadn’t heard of her either.
I’ll see if I can find the article
Article from 2016.
Have a browse back through her 2016 posts. It’s obvious she was probably selling 5-10 jars of cream a week, if that!
20k a year was a big fat lie, and unfortunately she got roasted in the comments section as she was dodging every beauty regulation under the sun!
Article written in august 2016...
Company only registered with companies house in June 2016.
I’m not accountant and no idea how it all works, however it’s all on the internet for everyone to see, but I don’t see any kind of earnings like she stated.
Hype and publicity is what she is has always done, I rest my case.