Your Nail Salon/Manicure Routine

Little biabs stage 1 😊. Excited to see how they grow
This month’s nails! I know they’re controversial but I love a good clean French tip! Can’t believe these are my real nails when I think what they were like just a few months ago. Never want to be without BIAB now.


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Does anyone have any recommendations for a super duper, extra shiny, will blind you if you look too long, clear top coat? Can be either regular nail polish or gel🤩
I always get terrible ingrown toenails on the big toes at about 8 weeks regrowth :( my nails are fine when they’re short, maybe visit a podiatrist to check they’re being cut correctly?

I WISH I could have acrylics but they get caught in the keyboard when I’m typing :(
I spend roughly $200-$300 on nails every month. My routines have been anything from random walk-ins to paying way too much for Russian manicures. I work on computer sometimes 10-12 hours a day, so my nails need some extra care and I don’t cut corners on it anymore. Cheap quick manicures have costed me nail health, fungus and just being a waste of money because Id have to go and re do them somewhere else.
What I would suggest is… 1. Figure out your nail budget and find the best nail specialist you can go to consistently. 2. Please do not gel cure press on nails to save money, few of my friends have now allergies to gel and nail glue. 3. If you want to do have really healthy natual nails then you need to completely detox them out for a while before having nice nails again. Purge is nasty but after several months you can get really strong and nice nails that you can just file and look chic. I personally can’t do it with my job but ive seen other women achieve that naturel look and their nails are fantastic without literally anything but simple filing.
4. Invest in good oils ( coconut, argan, jojoba) to use on your cuticles. Helps with keeping away from cracked heels during winter too.
I think feeling guilty about nails is pretty common for many women but nails and grooming is a huge part of maintaining your hygiene and mental health. You need to find what works for you and do that.
I spend roughly $200-$300 on nails every month. My routines have been anything from random walk-ins to paying way too much for Russian manicures. I work on computer sometimes 10-12 hours a day, so my nails need some extra care and I don’t cut corners on it anymore. Cheap quick manicures have costed me nail health, fungus and just being a waste of money because Id have to go and re do them somewhere else.
What I would suggest is… 1. Figure out your nail budget and find the best nail specialist you can go to consistently. 2. Please do not gel cure press on nails to save money, few of my friends have now allergies to gel and nail glue. 3. If you want to do have really healthy natual nails then you need to completely detox them out for a while before having nice nails again. Purge is nasty but after several months you can get really strong and nice nails that you can just file and look chic. I personally can’t do it with my job but ive seen other women achieve that naturel look and their nails are fantastic without literally anything but simple filing.
4. Invest in good oils ( coconut, argan, jojoba) to use on your cuticles. Helps with keeping away from cracked heels during winter too.
I think feeling guilty about nails is pretty common for many women but nails and grooming is a huge part of maintaining your hygiene and mental health. You need to find what works for you and do that.
200 to 300 a month?! Ehhh?! What exactly are you actually spending this money on? I also work on computers 10 hours per day, and I spend £25 every three weeks and my nails look GREAT.
Hi guys! I haven't had my nails done for a while but I've got an interview next week and it'd make me feel more polished and confident. I'm thinking a French tip is probably the safest to go for, but although I like how they look on other people I think I'd find it a bit boring on myself. I don't want to go too out there though with a design, so I guess I'm after something neutral?! Does anyone have any suggestions? (general interview tips - ha - also welcome!!)
Hi guys! I haven't had my nails done for a while but I've got an interview next week and it'd make me feel more polished and confident. I'm thinking a French tip is probably the safest to go for, but although I like how they look on other people I think I'd find it a bit boring on myself. I don't want to go too out there though with a design, so I guess I'm after something neutral?! Does anyone have any suggestions? (general interview tips - ha - also welcome!!)

OPI Bubble Bath is always my go-to for polished, classic looking nails. I'm wearing it in the photo I posted above ^ just with the white tips added. Depending on your skin tone it can look more pink or beige.