I seem to remember (if i’m not mistaken) em had muscled in on one candy’s wedding dress appointments started trying on dresses and bagged herself a modelling gig as well! hardly surprising they’re not friends anymoreProbably did, why someone would is odd - was she angry or embarrassed who knows… Dunno what the deal was there I heard something about Em getting some modelling at the wedding shop or something
I seem to remember (if i’m not mistaken) em had muscled in on one candy’s wedding dress appointments started trying on dresses and bagged herself a modelling gig as well! hardly surprising they’re not friends anymore
At the time I think Candy said she was ok with it and it was all totally fine (Em trying on dresses at her fitting) and she really may have been. Personally, even as someone who has never had the lifelong 'wedding princess/dream wedding experience' expectations, I would never agree with a company to combine my business deal on the same day as my 'best friend' was having her bridal fitting.
I wouldn't feel comfortable, even if they said 'its ok'. Even if it was really far to travel. I couldn't do it because I'd be thinking too much about how they really feel or that it was just plain selfish. Em could have gone a day either side if it was that important to her.
I think Candy is weird af and probably over reacted, but I do kind of understand that then when her other bridesmaid then met up with Em without her that it probably triggered something. That element of it also being linked to her wedding probably made the reaction stronger and her brain scramble and think 'is this person taking the piss/do they care for my feelings?'. If it was a separate incident I would simply think, don't be crazy, there's nothing wrong with friends meeting separately, I do it, friends do it. You don't own a friend.
Em has also made out that Candy's reaction was terrible and out of line, that she was a victim in this. And it could well have been. But I can still see the cause behind it somewhat much as I don't like the brat.
She doesn’t care…she has a chauffeurI think Em has Sophie (Candy's ex friend) to groom her dog. It's weird because Sophie is two and a half hours drive away from Em.......
I'm not diagnosing but, he has symptoms of 'yuppie flu' - constantly yawning and tired..........Today’s vlog! Omg. More donuts and Bubzzz’s ailment today is a ‘bad headache’…what a surprise !! If he sorted his diet out (less haribo and donuts ) he wouldn’t get those headaches!
Today’s vlog! Omg. More donuts and Bubzzz’s ailment today is a ‘bad headache’…what a surprise !! If he sorted his diet out (less haribo and donuts ) he wouldn’t get those headaches!
Hey guys I'm new here but have enjoyed reading the last few threads about Youpenga. I came across her channel during lockdown as I looked up a fashion haul and then watched some more of her vlogs. I really loved her channel at the start when she went out the house, showed friends and had real, honest opinions about the things of life. She's deleted most of the original vlogs Now, her channel is so boring and completely unauthentic in my opinion. The 'everything is marvellous' feel she gives off feels totally fake, and I'm not buying it anymore.
I found it interesting that the religion stuff went completely out the window, and then when she did a q&a where a few questions were asked about her sharing her faith, she put devotionals and Bible reading back into the vlog right after. I don't think that was part of her routine before that, it felt so forced! - she's just trying to hold onto a few Christian subscribers maybe?
I really wish them all the best. I hope they have a happy life and get their dream of having a baby...but give us better content! If I need to watch another food haul or homemaking, cosy vlog, I'm going to suffocate myself with a 'farmhouse' cosy cushion. I'm close to unsubscribing but feel I don't want to miss vlogs in case she does get the good news she hopes for - I feel like we're on the journey with her! Anyway, apologies for the size of this rant. I've had to release as she's been driving me to boredom induced tattle boards and I want better for her channel! How can she expect her channel to grow with constant tesco and veg hauls. Is there something I'm missing here?