She's so completely disgusting for this. Wanting someone to fill what should be the roles of MULTIPLE people in exchange for a shitty old cottage on her property so that she can continue to do nothing all day. Sounds like she's learned plenty about exploiting the labor of others for her benefit from her billionaire daddyIf I’m not mistaken she didn’t even say board, literally just room. She wants two people to come do three full time jobs for them (don’t know much at all about farms but what she described sounds like two FT roles, plus a FT childcare role, all of which require high skill levels) in exchange for living in a tiny cottage. I guess for food she’ll generously allow them to sneak a carrot and a parsley leaf here and there. Where do I sign up
Here, here! Great list of things I’m sure we’d all love to ask her. Too bad she’s avoidant of any amount of criticism and unable to think critically.I am on a long journey so listened to the very, very boring podcast out today. Makes me laugh that she pretends not to know the questions in advance. And how they are all so relevant to her life.
Questions I would like to ask her….
Do you think you have an addiction to social media?
Do you realize you lie/contradict yourself all the time?
When are you going to change your handle from Yoga Girl?
How much do you actually earn & how much maternity pay do you get?
What happened to your charities?
Why is mold in Aruba so bad but in Sweden it’s ok?
Tell us more about why Aruba hates you.
Are you posting content of your kids to get more views cause your own life is so boring?
Do you think your kids will resent you when they realize how much content you post about them? Have you even thought of the damage this could cause?
Do you feel guilty that Dennis has no community in Sweden and has regularly said he longs for that?
Do you think it’s a good look to get your boobs in as many pictures as you can?
Are you trying to lose weight for your upcoming trip to the Maldives? Why don’t you embrace your new body? It will never be the same again.
Did you get Botox on your upper lips? If not is it your great skincare products and routines that had made the lines dissolve?
Why do you remove social media comments that you do not agree with?
Have you considered your children are normal and not gurus/ outstanding etc.
Who is your target audience? You have admitted you are not into yoga anymore.
Do you realize so many people find you fake and only follow you because you are a bit of a car crash?
I think it stems from her own self hatred. That she doesn’t feel good in her body. But remember this is the same woman who loved and made money posting bikini/beach pictures not so long ago that fed into the narrative she seems to be complaining about now.Her Patriarchy rant today just straight up doesn't make sense.
I don't disagree that Patriarchy has fucked up society on a lot of levels, but it really just seems like she's talking nonsense into the void. She's not making any point, really. Just trying to look for some long-winded, pious, round-about way to talk about her weightloss journey.
She did get one thing right - calling herself a hideous ogre Maybe she's starting to recognize that her outsides match her vile insides.
The part where she's claiming "I'm elevating black women and Native American women and Indigenous women" - WHERE?!?!
It's been literal YEARS since I've seen or heard her uplift anyone other than herself. She's completely delusional, her lies know no end.
Why not bothThis is the most privileged shit ever! She’s manifesting a couple? Oh fuck right off, Rachel!
She has so much free time already. Which mother of two can realistically go for swims, the sauna, have tea ceremonies, meditate, record 5000 stories each day? The list continues and yet all she does is complain, complain, complain.
Can’t help but feel that she’s just really unhappy underneath it all. Or maybe she’s just a massive c**t
I call bullshit & laziness on that. Did she create the account in Sweden?Is it true that you cannot put captions on instagram in sweden? Anyone from Sweden here?
I call bullshit & laziness on that. Did she create the account in Sweden?
Yeah. Too much trouble for her. It’s like she does the bare minimum to get by. Like with the podcast doesn’t have any more guests or plan content- just hits record and talks about what’s on her mind. Which for a long time now has been so dull.She's been saying that since the Aruba days. It's also bs because there are apps to caption your videos externally and then upload them. It'd take more time but if she actually cared, she'd do it.
She must have hearing problems. I'd say Lea sings pretty poorly. Voice of an angel?
She loses the pitch several times, her voice is brittle and thin, she's off key. Oh my. Rachel really is setting her up for the worst failure.
And the people blowing smoke up her ass saying Lea has perfect pitch