
I don’t know how she dares post that reel. She has made out the last 12 months have been amazing, that she hasn’t struggled, that Zac is so advanced and now she’s saying she struggled. It’s just another reel of her wearing unflattering clothes and dancing around like a twit. This has really pissed me off
I agree. That sound wasn’t made for experiences like hers
For someone who acts like she’s the ultimate mother she seriosly needs to remove that feckin dummy from her child’s mouth! No need for it when he’s sitting smiling 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 His dentition is already at risk given the fact he has half of her genes 🤣, why take the chance of making it even worse by constantly having a dummy plugged in?
Her lips just look like she’s got a cold sore!
They look awful.. imagine paying for that.

As with all these insta hoes getting lip fillers etc and then moan about cost of living 🙄

They either moan about the cost of living or worse and more annoying is they act like they are struggling to afford things and talk about having to cut back in order to come across as relatable, meanwhile their spending habits that they boast about on social media suggest otherwise.
Why does she always have to buy an overpriced coffee and pose with it? Why can’t she just make one at home seeing as she’s working from home? It’s extra calories too!
I‘ve not watched her stories for ages, but she’s just like all other influencers, puts a pity post / story to get people to feel sorry for her before she shares an ad, something extravagant they’ve bought etc. So predictable and not relatable at all.
She claims to promote body positivity

all I see is someone promoting a road to type 2 diabetes
Not to mention changing your appearance by stuffing lip filler in isnt “body positive” what the hell was the matter with her own lips?

on another note, why can her husband not wear a hat properly, not to mention the fact it’s never off his head!