XAmeliax #9 mummy lunchbox full of scran so she can exploit little man!

She never seems to do anything by herself with the toddler, but does absolutely loads by herself without him. It makes no sense. She gives it the biggun about being brave and taking him for a coffee by herself, pull the other one Amelia, you're happy to stroll around town for massages and pedicures and go the cinema by yourself so let's no pretend you're conscious about taking him out when it's just the two of you.
I live the same town as her and there is loads she could do. The library do free baby bounce and rhyme sessions where she could meet other mums, the leisure centre do baby float sessions and the local park do buggy walks. All a couple of pounds or free.

She just pretends she needs all this time away from him to recharge and fill her cup, when she doesn't actually do much. For me I found it much easier at this age to be out and about keeping them busy, they get bored inside all the time and it was so much better for my mind to be mixing with other people.
She never seems to do anything by herself with the toddler, but does absolutely loads by herself without him. It makes no sense. She gives it the biggun about being brave and taking him for a coffee by herself, pull the other one Amelia, you're happy to stroll around town for massages and pedicures and go the cinema by yourself so let's no pretend you're conscious about taking him out when it's just the two of you.
I live the same town as her and there is loads she could do. The library do free baby bounce and rhyme sessions where she could meet other mums, the leisure centre do baby float sessions and the local park do buggy walks. All a couple of pounds or free.

She just pretends she needs all this time away from him to recharge and fill her cup, when she doesn't actually do much. For me I found it much easier at this age to be out and about keeping them busy, they get bored inside all the time and it was so much better for my mind to be mixing with other people.
It’s because she actually hates parenting that’s why. She makes herself thinks she loves it. She’s just a lazy cow. Also the 3 of them rarely do anything together as a family it seems. It’s so bizarre
She is missing out keeping the child inside, and herself inside as well. Some of my favorite memories and bonding were done with my child outside the house, watching them move their little bodies and trying to navigate this vast world. Yeah I'm tired, yeah the cup is overflowing but seeing that made it all worthwhile.
She’s telling us that she is incredibly busy!! She doesn’t know the meaning of it. The Doglet and Froglet/You Matter…. Can someone tell me this is actually a joke?
Why waste time ‘working’ on stuff that isn’t gonna build revenue. The point of a business Amelia is to grow, make it profitable, successful. Otherwise it’s just called a hobby…oh wait! Whoever her accountant is needs sacking.
She’s telling us that she is incredibly busy!! She doesn’t know the meaning of it. The Doglet and Froglet/You Matter…. Can someone tell me this is actually a joke?
Busy colouring in and filming it. Give me strength
How does she justify a office renovation and new office furniture if she doesn't actually do any work. I bet she has justified not working much by not having a perfect office and now Chris has to pay for a renovation. I seriously doubt, however, that it will make her work more.
So Chris has taken little man to the judo. She decided to stay home to catch up on jobs as she can get so much done in three hours.

Proceeds to then arse about on stories for the next three hours, eating toast chatting tit about her new followers and how real she is, before concluding her “work” by moaning how hard it is to make your handwriting look like a dogs/one year olds and that it’s taken her ages.

I suppose Chris should be grateful he’s getting a Father’s Day card though!