Who do you just NOT get the public appeal of, and why? #2

He famously cheated on Emily Blunt.

Once upon a time during a tour in a far away continent (not Asia) there were a couple people waiting for a chance to say hello at the hotel where he was staying, that was after the concert. His security guard picked some top model types, brought them upstairs and the rest is history...
Oh, as for the others they were told to go home, Michael was feeling unwell and would not stop for pictures etc.

José is the bodyguard and you may be referring to the Aussie twins. I think MB and EB were apart by then.
Gino DiCampo🤯 as he is arrogant and rude AND if Holly Phil and Him are on together with their whiny voices and private jokes. I SWITCH OFF🙄

It must be even worse for Paul Young to see him on TV. Terrible what Gino did!

Paul Young could write a book on his career and life etc and perhaps mention that crime. It mustve been devastating.

Gino is lucky he got to build a lucrative career post that & his ininspiring dishes🤨🤔