Which Celeb is really annoying you? #3

I hear ya she’s so fake. She’s like the melter you went to school with who made up stories for attention. Oh I’m bisexual F off !! Her “A Star is Born” press junkets were so embarrassing.

Like the melt you went to school with who was really average and mid and mainstream, who has reinvented herself as some sort of rebellious punk princess, complete with untrue retconned backstory.
Lauryn Goodman. She’s not even a celebrity, she’s just a skid mark. Ugly, boring, basic, thick and a slapper with absolutely nothing to offer the public. I’ve seen more charisma from a chatbot. She just gives so much secondhand embarrassment. Go and get a job or live off your child maintenance money you sad ho 😩
Id be miserable if I had her life, in comparison to how her ex Mark Wright life turned out.
Her child died
Didn’t the father of her child die?
I agree she is ugly 🤣, she’s now got an only fan 🤮, but she’s trying to make ends meet.
I think it’s the right one they’re just mistaken about her child’s father
It reads as Lauren Goodger from Towie fame rather than Lauryn Goodman, Kyle Walker's bit on the side.
Here's some wiki about Goodger:
Can Amanda Abbington duck off please, everything I know about this woman is against my will and I absolutely don’t care, not a strictly beryl or a giovanni fan either. She is one of the most disingenuous personalities I’ve had the misfortune to come across. Doesn’t want to talk about it but then continues to insinuate things in the multiple interviews since her initial allegations. Go away.