I think ultimately most people on here who are parents just want to make their kids happy and to do that we do things that wouldn’t be are first choice of things to do on a weekend. Whereas Rebecca doesn’t seem to understand this concept!
I can’t imagine how lonely and sad it must be for both her and her kid she really needs to
Get some friends her own age!!!
Absolutely this
This will make me sound ancient but we can only assume they went to the evening showing of Matilda, after their day admiring art and eating sausage rolls and later dumplings, so Nina was getting to bed at like 10.30 / 11? And then again tonight, assuming they go to Adele, it’ll be bed around midnight or something. It’s all just so massively inappropriate for a 4 year old. Yes absolutely as a treat and a one off! But it’s such a regular occurrence Nina must be done in and knackered.
Kids have just as much fun going to the local park or running about a field or splashing in water. And it makes all the treat stuff (like london, Disneyland, weekend trips) so much more magical when they do happen! Nina is going to look back and remember what? Being dragged down to london to enjoy her mum’s activities, without her dad, and not being able to express herself or find her own interests?
I can only assume that Rebecca’s mum and dad are separated. It’s the only fathomable excuse I can think of for not appreciating how important a child’s time is with BOTH parents. What damage she’s doing. And shame on the dad if he’s just letting this happen.