Westlife and Boyzone

I think they got picked for their looks and that was it obviously their looks are going now they both need a good hair transplant Shame as they were so fit
They did get picked for their looks - Nicky Bryne is really sex on legs, Shane and Mark for singing but don't where Kien Egan came from.
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I think they got picked for their looks and that was it obviously their looks are going now they both need a good hair transplant Shame as they were so fit
They did get picked for their looks - Nicky Bryne is really sex on legs, Shane and Mark for singing but don't where Kien Egan came from.
Kian has spent his entire career getting by on being Gillian’s cousin (I believe this is the connection). He thanks his lucky stars every day for that link to Shane 😂
Have you seen the photo they’ve posted up Empire State Building wow they’ve aged so much I think kian looks 20 years older than he is
Keith and Bryan did talking bollox podcast, I really enjoyed it it's only about 40 mins but they tall about getting into boyzone and westlife and how they got together for boyzlife