Little Miss Planner
Chatty Member
Hmm I’m on the fence with this one (I hadn’t followed him for very long and unfollowed today) on one hand I loved his insta account and think he’s very clever at putting displays together and I usually like him as a person but ... his stories leading up to this narnia reveal left me a bit meh, he was saying the other day how he really really wants to make money from Instagram and was telling his followers what they need to do to help get him noticed and that he doesn’t think it’s fair that some people can just post a ‘zoflora bottle’ without putting any actual thought & staging into it and then get hundreds of likes and engagement, while he puts huge efforts into his posts and they fall flat and don’t elevate him into insta stardom. He obviously craves & feels he deserves insta fame, money, freebies and rewards for all his efforts and it’ll be a shame if it all goes to his head like every other insta hun out there who’s made it big.
for me personally the narnia reveal wasn’t exactly what I was expecting given the huge hype & countdown, but I like it, it’s not mind blowing, but tasteful and easy to live with for a couple of months! I just can’t believe why anyone who’s a fan & supporter of him would screenshot negative & perhaps hurtful comments to send him to read! Why? did he really need to know about them if he’s not on tattle himself? makes you wonder about the integrity and genuinity of some people. Like maybe he’s fibbing about someone sending him the negative comments and he’s actually a tattler himself
This is what I don't get about insta accounts in general who bang on about getting engagement up and people must like and share their posts/page in order to get seen etc etc. I follow insta pages and read tattle just for escapism whilst I've got 5 mins having a brew. I don't agree with nasty messages or making fun of people so don't come on here to engage with that side. I do like comments on here and insta but don't really (rightly or wrongly) concern myself with getting that persons insta page recognised or whatever it's called so don't tend to share or do follow trains. I personally think if you do insta it's your choice and people clearly put a lot of time and effort into their posts but that's their choice. If people want to share then fine but I feel you don't share then fine too.
I know people need the engagement for freebies and to make money and rely on followers sharing their page but it puts me off when I see those accounts moNing because their page isn't getting enough attention.
I'm rubbish at engaging but I just like a nosey really and don't have too much time to spend on my phone all the time to engage which might be wrong to some but I'm Just not that fussed with it all. It's like reading a book for me, pick up insta as and when I want for a few mins to flick group.
Totally boring and pointless comment by me but am just sat enjoying the extra hour with a brew so had time to comment which probably makes my above post totally hypocritical feel free to disregard