
Is she still going? I followed her way back, and then didn’t after the headscarf stuff. Her engagement was tit then, has it improved?
In a word no- I can’t follow! I have to be prepared for a story, I didn’t like them when they just popped up and I wanted to throw my phone against a wall. I pick and choose when I’m ready to face them now 😂
She’s proud at being late all the time for school- what an utter bleep! Yeah your kids must be so proud too? What do you not get? You’re late for school then the teacher is at a disadvantage, you care so much about key workers and the whole world- but you don’t, because you think you’re so special that you can do what you like and just laugh at all those people who get their kids places on time cos they aren’t selfish lazy bastards? She so entitled I can’t actually believe it- only she matters, nobody else does. I hate people that are constantly late as it shows not just how much they are just disgusting lazy people but they are also selfish enough to think that they are above everyone else and simple etiquette doesn’t apply to them. My father was late for everything and it has given me the biggest complex because I was so embarrassed by always being the late kid. Bet you’re never late for things that are important to you though weeslice, if you’re paying for that PT or the all you can eat buffet that you’re constantly grazing at 🤬
Anyone get a screenshot of their new house before she took it down? Hints at it being massive yet always saying how skint they are.
Missed it but saw her post and was just like oh f*^% off. ‘I’ll show you a tour of our 20 room house but we can’t afford to furnish it.’ Give me the biggest break. She does this thing where she acts like she isn’t extremely well off but then on the other side drops in comments about her enormous house is, or how posh her school pal Lydia is (therefore how posh she is) but she’s like cool posh, you know.... 🙄
If it’s anything like where I live, you can buy/pay a mortgage for a lot less per month than you can rent. Maybe they can’t get a mortgage atm due to being self employed? Renting just doesn’t make sense to me if you don’t have to.
If you have the money, fantastic, good for you. Just don’t be disingenuous about it. I guess it’s none of my business, but it irks me.
They are renting so it’s not as glamorous as it sounds . She shared that their current hosue is to be sold but the owners have this other house they are going to rent instead, I think. They done well when they sold their brewery I’d say (month in Thailand) but drinks industry has tanked on the trade side of things during the pandemic , so prob not as comfortable now .. they will be raking it it when hospitality picks up again.
I’ve seen her in person she is a bit of a forced accent and I think we established before she went to private school with Lydia .
I don’t understand why they say they can’t afford to buy in this area, then drop loads of cash renting big places
Because a lot of people are relocating to that area from down south as a result of home working and the market has gone nuts . There’s been a bit in the press about P&K being one of the most attractive places for activity at the movement and there’s a worry a lot of people are buying second homes there and pricing locals out.
Because a lot of people are relocating to that area from down south as a result of home working and the market has gone nuts . There’s been a bit in the press about P&K being one of the most attractive places for activity at the movement and there’s a worry a lot of people are buying second homes there and pricing locals out.
I understand that part, I live in the south coast of England so much the same. My point was if they ever want to buy again, they are wasting cash on big houses that look nice but they don’t own.