Wayne & Coleen

I never understood why she got off so easily, especially when you had Jo doing all of those interviews and putting on the crocodile tears. Is it because she played dumb or because she didn't have much of a career to begin with?
I feel like jade was the scapegoat ( not saying she was innocent) because she was from a council estate, with a fairly scummy past and not a rich wag or pop star. Just my opinion obviously
Danielle Lloyd blocked me on Insta as she posted a picture and I asked her if she was going to be leaking anymore of her own homemade videos (convenient she claims she was hacked twice) :LOL::LOL:
Although yes what Coleen did was a bit brutal you can tell she tired and fed up of been the wag who gets all her person tit aired, it must of been sad to know someone on your personal Instagram (an Instagram she only had for family and friends) was leaking personal information about your life and your children and your whereabouts! The girl did what she had to do! There rumours been going around about Rebekah for years and as far as I’m aware she isn’t very liked and I don’t blame people judging by her stint on I’m a celeb she does seem like a gobshite 🤷‍♀️😂