Waxperts Ellen

Have to say I’m really enjoying her Vegas content. Looks very expensive 🤑🤑🤑 though. Cooper seems to be having the time of his life.
I'm sure she bills it to the company and calls it an expense seeing as she was "working".

Surely they couldn't get that much business from the trade show. Waxperts are going for years and they are still a relatively unknown brand. I'd say its a couple of hours show your face at the stand/table and then just spent the rest of the time on your holidays.

Fair play to her!
This has nothing to do with it 🤥🤥🤥

Her rant came very soon after this comment last night! Shes confusing concerned questions with “viciousness”

I’d say she’s getting quite a bit of backlash about skincare for kids
