Vanessa Feltz

In my opinion (and I may be on my own lol), not too bad. I loathed her in the first episode, she came across as a knob and basically confirmed everything I'd read about her. However I warmed to her a little bit in the second episode (brief spitting discussion aside) because she has actually got some self awareness and seems to want to improve her life from the where she's found herself (which she says was something she wasn't happy with).

I also saw a snippet of an interview with today. I'm not even sure where I saw it. Possibly Facebook? I'm not sure when it was filmed either but she was about to go and begin her face tattoo removal. She seemed similarly self aware in that too and she can laugh at herself.

We'll see. She's still very young though but I suppose we all go through stages we'd rather forget in our youth.
That's interesting. I wouldn't be into the type of modelling she does. I do keep an open mind on it - she's not harming anyone as far as I can see, and besides all major models like Kate Moss have done nudity anyway. I don't see Lottie's OF work as being a million miles apart from any typically well known model's work (assuming her work is saucy pics and not personal requests for sex vids etc)

You're right, so much of my youth I'd rather forget.
I have never watched this programme but saw 1st episode. My observations, nobody goes on this show for a relationship- they go on for money and exposure. Which is not suprising for the Love Island and MIC Z celebs. But VF does not need either, so can only assume she is money obsessed. She is using her break up to increase her bank budget. She is an intelligent woman but the whole pink from frou image is embarrassingly dated.

The people on this programme are grim and tacky - that Lottie Moss is very full on, isn’t she. That MIC guy is a massive pseud.
I am surprised Vanessa says she doesn't use online dating. Surely that would be the easiest way of doing things these days? There are dating sites for wealthier people. I just can't imagine her settling with a "normal" bloke.
Also, I saw an Instagram where she was talking to her daughter talking about the mix up event. She was very scathing about the men lined up for her, the oldest ones in the room, she thought they were ghastly. Strip away her fame and money she is pretty ghastly herself. The reality is that in RL nobody would give her a second glance other than wtf has she come as. She thought her ex was with her for love, it was the lifestyle. An intelligent woman but big headed.

At least she has intelligence, the others on that programme…
Thank duck I am not in the dating market. The whole cringe factor and fake people. Even if I wasn’t in a couple I just could not be arsed.
The best thing about the programme is Rob Beckett’s voiceover.
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Vanessa has said she's always found it very hard to turn down any offer of work, that she is thrilled that anyone would ask her and indeed she seems to have had a very hectic schedule over the years. She seems as willing to take on "tacky" shows as well as those in which she uses her hard journalisitic skills. Her tough father (a ladies underwear wholesaler) told her she'd get nothing from him and she had to work: "No one will give you a pound" was his saying that I remember V oft repeating. I think she was also in a shaky financial position immediately after her husbnad left her all those years ago.

Her froufrou image is not to my taste but she seems to enjoying dressing for herself, she just likes pulling on something frilly or sparkly or colourful.

@House of Tea Wow I must watch it, it's hard to imagine her being scathing, I thought she had nice manners. or wouldn't be cruel. But I suppose she is a pro so is stepping up to the brief and is giving good TV. But I do hope the recipients of her insults think that's the case, they might not be as resilient as she is. I saw the ad and they seemed to be in a garden party setting, is it a mixer of celebs and "civilians"?

I agree about being happy to not be in the dating market, I'd be too lazy to have extra appointments in my diary.
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I wouldn’t bother watching it, it is puerile. This is the Instagram post to look out for. She describes her picks as ancient crones. Imagine if someone said that about her. She wants another Ben Mark II - it’s all about physical attraction for her, she doesn’t care if they are as thick as mince. She would be rich pickings for someone to fleece.

I have been sucked in. On 3rd ep. Vanessa went on a date with a bleeping boring guy (her words - to be fair, he was). But he seemed entranced with her so he is going to be crushed I think when he sees the feedback. But back with those pseudo experts they asked her about Ben and asked her if she loved him. She said, after a pause, I was happy to love him because he seemed happy to be there, but as the years wore on, he seemed less and less happy to be there and occasionally he would give her a little nugget that showed he cared, but it became fewer and fewer. But there were lots of lies. She hasn’t seen or heard from him since the break up and never wants to see him again.

That was contrary to the lovey dovey relationship they used to put out. Seems to me that VF was so cut up when her ex husband left she was taken in by the first good looking (well she thought he was) guy who said all the right things. Saying she was happy to love him is not the same as actually loving someone. And she just put up with a relationship that she wasn’t really convinced by but she doesn’t want to be on her own. Think Ben was a chancer. They always seemed an odd match, the age difference, the life experiences and the intellect difference. But she wasn’t so taken in to marry him, and it sure explained the looonnngg relationship. Savvy V.
Ben updated his Instagram just after this aired - the truth will out or some such. Plus he is on a Q & A being asked questions on reality tv. He said he would never go on Celebs Go Dating, throwing shade there. The tv producers should approach him for the next series. Haven’t been on his Instagram for a while. He is all about his heart belongs to Christ these days.
Vanessa’s Instagram is showing her next date where she walks out halfway through the meal. She is getting annihilated in the comments, her lack of manners and rudeness. The dude they chose however seems the worse they could find. Looking forward to that one.
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I’m sure after they split he was putting the feelers out to go on celebs go dating and strictly. Looks like sour grapes because they chose Vanessa 😂
I could see him getting a place on I'm A Celeb this year. I don't think he'd have been a serious contender for Strictly, although they do seem a bit desperate for contestants these days.
He probably wanted marriage with financial agenda in mind. He's showing himself to be quite transparent. I always thought their relationship was a weird one. She seemed loved up with him, but it came across a bit forced on his part when it came to reciprocating.
He didn't seem very intelligent either, and she is - what would they have talked about?