I've followed ursula for a long long time. I'd say practically since the beginning. I don't think she used to be so odd. In the early days she had friends and would go around the shops a bit more. My own thoughts and observations are...
Yes she is obsessed with Annabelle. Its one of the things that started to put me off her. I mean she used not even say her sons names on insta never mind show their faces and it was AB this and AB that the second she was born.
She has been quite open about the fact they had very lean years while the husband was studying so that's when she became so thrifty.
She used to mention her in laws more. Not loads but now they are never mentioned. In the past she has storied from their house and reading between the lines they seem pretty minted. Just how food and stuff was presented and their furnishings. These are people who are wealthy. So then I wonder why it was such a struggle for the son to finish the studies. Why didn't they cough up for that. Even her mentioning recently that Niall bought her a LV bag when they were dating. He is 100% a guy who came from money. Maybe the parents had objections to the marriage. Now she seems to never talk about them and my spidey sense tells me there was a bigger falling out.
I think covid really heightened her anxiety issues and she has become almost reclusive.
I cannot understand why people rave about her dinner recipes?? Tomatoes, mixed herbs and chopped veg on repeat. It always looks so rank. Her baking stuff can be ok.
She should be a much bigger IGer than she is. Her presentation is lovely. Puts loads of effort into her content and has a big following. She is either turning down lots of offers or has bad management. She has spoken about experiencing exclusion at an event and she felt it was because she was foreign. Honestly wouldn't put it past some of the weapons on the gram to be like that. Would love to know who specifically she meant that night. I remember the actual event because she was excited to be going but can't for the life of me remember who she had pictures with. She has no steady paid work and I think that's weird. She is streets ahead of content compared to other dopes who seem to be signed up for everything.
I don't know about the dynamic with her husband. They do seem to be very in love. I hadn't considered him holding the purse strings too tightly before reading this thread. I do think it's odd they have never travelled to Mexico as a family. They appear to have money now- he has a pretty swish looking car and they've done work to the house. I know it would cost about 10k but getting the kids to experience the other side of their family surely should be v important to them. 1 of my best friends is from southern hemisphere and its a massive cost but an absolute must for them to travel back every second year. So I do think that is very odd. Her parents divorced and she doesn't really talk about them at all but yet recently mentioned her dad needing surgery and seemed very emotional then. Even then I was like jesus book a flight and go! It's Mexico not outer Mongolia! Anyway those are my thoughts. She has changed over the years no question.
very interesting perspective I havnt followed her from the start but certainly a long time
The in-laws are literally never mentioned
They live in the Same town but never ever babysit or have the kids for a lunch or pick them up from school it’s very odd?
The misery with money is on another level
They bought a fairly standard garden table and chairs set one summer and she said they chose between going on a summer holiday or the table
So they got the table and no holiday
He’s an accountant so has a good income and she has paid work
If you look at the house they have modernised some parts but then not the light fittings it’s so odd - especially in the living room she has all this modern desenio prints and a new couch but the original is granny lights that came with the house still there
her food is so boring and basic no doubt
It’s also cheap
A tin of chickpeas 40c is her staple
She does present it well
Her kitchen is very 1980’s but she has the props to make her recipes look good, marble placemat backdrops, new tea towels etc
She hides reality well
Her personal style is atrocious
I think if she modernised herself a bit
Didn’t show the kids at all she would do better
The old man way she has of dressing the boys is also bizarre