Ultimategirlgang #2 I think we are in for a year of some verrrry thirsty single girl antics

Oh really - in Scotland they just start full days from Day 1, not even a few hours to begin with! Dunno about england tho.
To be fair, I wouldn’t get a job if I didn’t have to - she has family cash, maintenance money & she will make money from Instagram
In England, the they start full days 8.45ish till 3.15 (or similar time variations) the September after they turn 4 years old. Some schools do a phased thing for the first week, but all my kids went full days from day 1.
I wouldn’t work either if I didn’t have to 🙈
Only got two kids myself but pets too. I do work during the school hours because we rely on dual income in our household but my god that then does mean that life admin/ the house slips as there is just no time to do it all. And that’s only with two kids to deal with, which feels like 4! Can only imagine what 4 young girls in one house is like. When I’ve taken annual leave during term time and had a few days to myself at home, I basically just manage to keep ontop of the chores, cook more, and get more organised for the kids. I assumed I’d have free time on my hands too but nope! The school day goes by in a flash. Id get a hobby though maybe if I had the time to do something for myself once or twice a week
I wouldn’t get a job if I didn’t have to but I would probably do something volunteering. She could do something with her girls school like the PTA or something (don’t know if posh private schools have PTAs)
They do! At least the ones I’ve worked in. We were always guaranteed a fancy school fair which was fun. I think you’re right that some volunteering or something could be nice for her.
If she got a job it would effect maintenance from her ex plus she has been left with the bulk of the childcare for four close in age children. That is hard work. I am actually surprised that in her situation that she didn’t get provision an au pair or part time nanny
I wonder if maybe there is a nanny and she’s just choosing not to show? I’d expect she has a regular cleaner/housekeeper too. I don’t begrudge anyone having nannies or cleaners etc (provided they’re fairly paid and treated well).
I know on the surface her life may seem appealing with all the money but I think she is very empty. Think for a second about her life now the girls are at school. She must run out of things to do. Getting your nails done and shopping for tacky whatever is such a hollow, vacuous existence. It MUST be boring
I won't lie, vacuous it may be but I would kill for that RN 🤣🤣
No I don't think there's a Nanny, she's always been fairly vocal about that.

And I don't think she necessarily needs one tbh.

But her brother and sister are around a lot. And her stepmum. So I think she actually does have people around to give a hand for ferrying to parties etc. Didn't she say that was part of the move, to be closer to her own people?

But a cleaner? Oh 100%.
The girls are at a local state school not a private one. Does that perhaps suggest there isn't as much money going around as she makes out...?

also working shouldn't affect her maintainence - mine is the same as before I worked vs after I started. Then again I fund childcare myself to cover my own working hours.
I don't think the girls being at state primary suggests anything re money. 4 children at private prep is a lot and a lot of people send their kids to state primary and then move into private secondary. Often because the village primary is excellent but the local secondaries are not so.
Definitely this. Primary is often closer to home and if they are living in the same village then they get to know the children there too.
4 kids in private though......thats well over 100K a year, right?

duck that!

And tbf it doesn’t seem to have done her much good. I think I’m yet to see her post a story without a spelling mistake or that actually makes sense.. it’s like she types things that make sense in her head but not on paper. Next time she does it I will post as an example of what I mean.
And tbf it doesn’t seem to have done her much good. I think I’m yet to see her post a story without a spelling mistake or that actually makes sense.. it’s like she types things that make sense in her head but not on paper. Next time she does it I will post as an example of what I mean.
She has dyslexia and went to Millfield- a very exclusive boarding school in Somerset ( which has a specialist centre for dyslexic students ) ...I know this as I messaged her several years ago because my daughter has dyslexia/ dyspraxia /dyscalculia....( although my daughter now has 4 A levels and 2 degrees!)
She has dyslexia and went to Millfield- a very exclusive boarding school in Somerset ( which has a specialist centre for dyslexic students ) ...I know this as I messaged her several years ago because my daughter has dyslexia/ dyspraxia /dyscalculia....( although my daughter now has 4 A levels and 2 degrees!)

I didn’t realise she was dyslexic!