UK spider season (no pictures)



Chatty Member
If anyone else is as terrified as I am about spiders then I’m sure you are getting as twitchy as me. Just looking to find out if anyone has any tips to minimise invasions of the beasts!
I’ve got the plug in things but I don’t really believe they work - I’m just not willing to unplug them now 😂

anything over the size of a 5p is too much for me to be near or hoover up. I mean I have sleepless nights, im on edge from now until around November expecting one to jump out on me 🙈

I’ve heard of people having hypnosis etc but first and foremost I just want them to stay out of my house - and vent to like minded scaredy cats 😂
I get peppermint essential oil and put it in all door frames, window frames and any other places they can get in from! I also collect conkers and put them in the corners of the rooms apparently the smell of them deters them away! I hate them too I have a pure phobia of them I can’t sleep for days when I see one 😭
Thank you.. Iv just bought peppermint oil online so I’ll spray everything I possibly can 😂 Glad I’m not the only one that can’t sleep after seeing one.
Anyone else just freeze when they see one? People always tell me just to hoover them up but I can’t physically do anything, other than run in the opposite direction and then stress about it until it’s been removed 🙈
This is the thread for me. I’m absolutely terrified. I have a spider catcher (which looks like a litter picker and helps them get outside safely) but I’ve never been able to use it as sometimes it can make them run or they start crawling down the stick 😭😭 I always have to scream for someone else.

I have a few phobias, but spiders are the worst because they can just spring up in your house 😫
I absolutely hate them.

I put peppermint oil down and did have some plug ins but thought they were pretty much useless so have unplugged them all now.

Any other tips gratefully received other than having a Hoover upstairs for easy access 😂
This is the thread for me. I’m absolutely terrified. I have a spider catcher (which looks like a litter picker and helps them get outside safely) but I’ve never been able to use it as sometimes it can make them run or they start crawling down the stick 😭😭 I always have to scream for someone else.

I have a few phobias, but spiders are the worst because they can just spring up in your house 😫
I have the same spider catcher too and half the time it makes it worse. I've dropped spiders and lost them completely with that bloody thing 😂
I've had a crippling fear of spiders since my teens. Funnily enough, I was okay with them as a younger kid but once I got into adolescence I became beyond terrified of them.

Last week one of the biggest spiders I've ever seen had decided to make itself comfortable on my hallway wall and it was a miracle I didn't scream the house down. It was so big I wonder if it was someone's pet tarantula that had escaped. I did what I always do and called for my mother, spider remover extraordinaire and even she freaked out a bit, and she's usually pretty cool-headed and practical in these situations. She got it in a jam jar and not only put it outside but took it for a walk along the street and released it nice and far away from the house because we did not want it getting back in.

I do not want to see another spider that big any time soon!
I put off leaving my ex because I knew it would mean living on my own and having to deal with spiders. The first time one came in the house when I was on my own I had to call my friend who sent her husband round at 10pm and I realised I had a real problem! I now use insect spray to slow them down (doesn’t kill them) then I murder them with a mop then hoover or wipe up. I only do that with house spiders - the others I can now manage to remove with a long feather duster (the sort you can extend for ceilings). I hate killing them and feel awful but as others have said, it’s that or not sleeping. I then worry until November.

I moved into a new place a few months ago and it’s already full of spindly ones, which I can deal with, but I am worried sick there will be loads of massive ones from 1st September...
I always worry that if you hoover them up them might crawl back out.
I put off leaving my ex because I knew it would mean living on my own and having to deal with spiders. The first time one came in the house when I was on my own I had to call my friend who sent her husband round at 10pm and I realised I had a real problem! I now use insect spray to slow them down (doesn’t kill them) then I murder them with a mop then hoover or wipe up. I only do that with house spiders - the others I can now manage to remove with a long feather duster (the sort you can extend for ceilings). I hate killing them and feel awful but as others have said, it’s that or not sleeping. I then worry until November.

I moved into a new place a few months ago and it’s already full of spindly ones, which I can deal with, but I am worried sick there will be loads of massive ones from 1st September...
Yes I dont mind the ones that look like daddy long legs.
Get a cat. Ever since I got my old girl 8 years ago, I’ve barely seen a spider in my home. Which is a good thing as I’m terrified of them.

I have one but she is the laziest cat in the world, so useless in these situations. I did have a cat years ago who loved to make sport out of hunting insects and spiders in the house and as much as I love my current cat, I miss that one!
Get a cat. Ever since I got my old girl 8 years ago, I’ve barely seen a spider in my home. Which is a good thing as I’m terrified of them.
My cat runs away from the spiders with me!! As a smaller kitten she'd eat them, even the massive ones. A year on she doesn't wanna know 😂

There was a time I saw one and ran into the bedroom, she went and looked at what I was running from and then bolted in after me. My bf was like "what's up with you two?" then went to hoover the spider up

Oh jeez 🕷🕷
Terrified here too! I once had just sat on the toilet and looked up at the door frame and saw a huge spider just above it. Stayed in the bathroom for 3 hours until my partner came home 🙈 scared it would jump on my head as I went out! It never moved the whole time I was in there 🤣🤣
Off topic but Omg I did a similar thing once but it was when I was living in London with my parents. The flats had a bad mouse problem. I used to finish work at 10:30am so came home to an empty flat and was sat in the living room. A mouse appeared and some how got trapped in the room with me. It was quite young so was running around the sofa confused and scared. Iwas stood on the table ringing my mum to leave work and come home because I was terrified 😂 I eventually made a run for it out of the living room, upstairs and under my duvet where I stayed and didn't move for hours.