VIP Member
Off with her new fella in their own room no doubt toasting her wedding anniversary with her new fella in Micks memory. And got as far away from the Ferals as she could. I’d say she’s raging.
TESLiving on HAP with a made up chap,looks like she has the clap,ErinRose needs a slap
She looks loaded alright the big botoxed, chav’s head on her & her raw mouth. She’d give Benefit Britain a run for their money. No amount of money can buy you class and she’ll always be living off Welfare.I’m sorry girls but ye are all too invested and Julie is laughing all her way to the bank for a mortgage!!! As if she’s on hap/social welfare etc. she’s playing the poor single mom to rise Everyone on here!!! She may have been on hap but not now. I bet she’s loaded!!!
Quick JuLIE, go have a wash with all the chavs.
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