I can’t understand how anyone could say she’s a great mother and continue to support her after she exposed her 6 year old son to adult content videos with strippers she should of lost brand deals cause of that etc but she was applauded
Listen my child’s dad is dead so that makes me want to be even more of a better parent and a role model for my daughter as I want her to grow up and say ‘you know what mam I’m proud of you’ and Julie should be doing the same and making good decisions for her children but infact she should be ashamed of herself because the single mom is struggling bullshit is not doing it for me and I see right through her now and I’m worried if I’m honest about their upbringing if their already exposed to so much at 6 years old. A 6 year old shouldn’t know how to swear and use the middle finger, They shouldn’t know what strippers are and the fact Fionn didn’t flinch at seeing it says it all he’s well used to seeing that crap. The guy she is supposedly dating must be a proper dope cause the first decent man she dated ran a mile. I’d be asking questions also as to why Jessie and his family haven’t stepped in he has rights as a father and I know if the mother of my children was acting that way and exposing them like that I would be doing something about it.
Surely there would be a concern about the need to take them out of school during term time for holidays. Now don’t get me wrong I know it’s cheaper and if it’s only the one holiday you wouldn’t be bothered but they are constantly on holidays and constantly out of school between travelling and sickness they can’t be just leaving it slide. If fionns speech is anything to go by then he definitely needs extra support and he’s not in school long enough to get it