This is what boils my blood with Julie, i was lucky enough to get a mortgage on my own last year but I had savings behind me and 2 years of literally living on air, no nights out, trips here, there and everywhere and I have a decent paying job for a single income household. I was still denied by almost every bank cause I had 2 dependants and luckily got a mortgage through the local authority home loan scheme (not for the faint hearted!)
Booked our first family holiday the second I moved in and have been paying it off for 13 months on love holidays and there's absolutely no way we'll be going on another holiday for the next 3-5 years let alone say let's go again in October.
I'd never have dreamt of going on 4+ holidays/trips a year, all her nights out and having a car loan, I can't for the life of me understand how she's spend so much and is able to say she's going to buy a house.