In fairness every time I need to buy a new toilet seat I am aghast at the price
but I just pay it, like I pay all of my bills. Because no one else is going to pay them for me. I don’t expect hand outs galore from the state while cribbing and moaning about every fine and charge. And that’s why I don’t get summons in the post, and parking fines and god knows what else coming through the door, but meanwhile spending €100 a week on my hair and make up up keep and €400 on buying holidays, and have no food in the fridge for my kids the night before school. I might not have as much money as she does but priorities are in order. My kids are in bed right now, they don’t curse at me or abuse me, but skip into school happy, knowing I will be there waiting for them and a hot dinner on the table when they get home. Those things are worth more to be than any scraps Julie gets for a Voduz collab, which she then pisses down the toilet. And all over herself too, as the past has shown.