I started as soon as the bleeding stopped, as my miscarriage was quite early on, although the doctor did say its best to let your lining build up again by waiting a cycle or two. I just wanted to feel back to normal again, i felt i had wasted so much time from finding out id miscarriaged to having a d&c, it was a month or so to get it all sorted. I ovulated two weeks after the d&c and everything seems ok again so fingers crossed! Sending lots of love and luck and keep strong, some days i am so down about it, paranoid what people think, sensitive etc. But over time iv learnt to love myself again and just hope for a positive test soon!
Omg exactly. Some people i know got pregnant the first time they tried. I think wtf! How is that far. Now one is trying again, and said she is going to try for a girl as she already has two boys.. after a few months of not falling pregnant she is going crazy, obsessing over ovulation, her age, vitamins etc - happens to us all i guess. I’d be happy with an alien im so desperate
Darling i completely agree, i bought all the vitamins, ovulation sticks, thermometer, and fertility lubrication. I was making myself ill and our relationship was strained!! So i gave it all up, and within two months i fell pregnant! God knows how, although i did miscarry so just hoping i can continue my chilled approach! Genuinely think its the hardest thing i have ever been though emotionally/psychologically!