VIP Member
I’m sorry it’s devastating We are only asking for two lines. Treat yourself or pamper yourself. I pray it will happen for you soon.
When I do a pregnancy test whilst I’m waiting I dream about all the ways I can surprise my husband and then only one line appears. I can’t use clear blue pregnancy tests as I can’t deal with it telling me not pregnant. Is anyone else the same ?
I generally don’t test for this reason. I know it’s an unpopular opinion in the TTC community but I’ve probably only tested maybe five times in the 2.5 years we’ve been trying. I only test if my period is late and isn’t showing any signs of arrival. Each time I’ve had the negative and my period shows up within the hour .
Currently CD28, no signs of spotting which I usually get the day or two before AF arrives. Have had 31 day cycles before so not super uncommon for me, though my last cycle was 26 days and I am usually a 28/29 day cycle. Ovulated late (CD17) this cycle though, so that’s probably why I’m late.